Maths - Topoi

Topos theory describes set theory using category theory. It allows us to take some nice properties of sets and to generalise them to certain categories with the properties described below.

So far, when we have used category theoretical methods to look at sets, the objects have been the empty set, a one element set, a two element set and so on.

Without any extra structure a two element set is isomorphic to any other two element set.


However, there is some other structure inherent in a set that we would like to look at in a category theoretical way (from the outside).

This is the structure of the sub objects (such as subsets)

External Diagram
diagram substructure

The arrows here are inclusions indicating one set is a subset of another.

In order to relate this to the internal structure I have labeled the elements to try to get some intuition for the external diagram.


Subobject Classifier

In category theory we are looking for an 'external' description of the idea of a subobject where we dont have to look inside to the elements. In category theory things tend to be defined in terms of arrows.

S->X is injective (in category theory terms monic) so X is an object and S is a sub object of it.

On this page this is developed into this diagram which commutes. The diagram is also a pullback.

  • T is the terminal object
  • Ω is a truth object, it tells us about the logic of the category
  • T->Ω is the subobject classifier
topos logic
diagram Here is an example in set.

See Topos page for more information about subobject classifier.

Internal Logic

see ncatlab

The basic ideas of the internal logic induced by a given category C are:

Logical operations are implemented by universal constructions on subobjects.

Finite Set Example

Although we think of finite sets as being something very simple which we can then add structure to, sets do have an inherent rich substructure of their own.

Take a set, say: X = {a,b,c}

From this we can generate all the subsets (power set) and we can generate arrows which are injective maps (inclusions) showing the subset relations.

There is another way to characterise subsets of X, that is a map from X to Bool (a set with two elements, true and false).

So each element in the powerset corresponds to a map: X->2.

      category logic
diagram X={a,b,c}

For example X contains a, b and c so they all map to true.

terminal object



diagram Ø = {}

The empty set Ø does not contain a, b and c so they all map to false.

initial object false
diagram {a,b} For any other subset, say {a,b}, the elements in the subset map to true and the others map to false.   true if a and b
Internal Structure
External Structure
diagram diagram

The blue boxes in this diagram are sets (objects in the set category) so {a,b} is a set with two elements a and b. The black arrows represent inclusions between these objects, that is, one set is included in another.

So the diagram shows the substructure and consists of the power object with inclusion arrows between its elements.

In this diagram there are 0 or 1 arrows between any two objects so this is a preorder. In particular it is a bounded lattice because it has a greatest lower bound and least upper bound.

In category theory terms it has:

As an algebra it is a Heyting algebra

In category theory we look at objects from the outside. That is the morphisms in and out of them.

Here we use a truth object Ω described below. In this case (of sets) the truth object is a Boolean value denoted 2. It has two elements: true t and false f.

All the morphisms to Ω are given by Hom(X,Ω).


I have tried to draw how the internal elements map but the diagram gets a bit messy.

So I think its better to represent this homset as a table:

b c
f f
f t
t f
t t

In Category Theory

An (elementary) topos is a category that:

This is equivalent to:

Finite limits and co-limits means:

In category Theory What this looks like in set
an initial object empty set
a terminal object an object like a set with one element
binary coproducts disjoint union of two sets
binary products Cartesian product of two sets
equalizers subset of X consisting of all elements x such that f(x) = g(x), where f,g: X -> Y
coequalizers quotient set of X where two elements f(y) and g(y) are identified, where f,g: Y -> X

see John Baez website for fuller explanation of this

Example Topos in Set

The main example of a topos is set, in other words an (elementary) topos is a set-like category.

In order to understand sets we need to describe the structure of subsets. We need to define an element of the powerset. One way to do this is as follows:

One way to define S as a subset of X
(that is: ScontainsX) is to specify an inclusion (or injection map) from S to X.

An injective function is one where no two distinct inputs give the same output.

topos logic
It would not work to have a map in the other direction because elements in S are not uniquely identified with elements in X. topos logic

However we can define a subset with a map going out of X. This maps onto a two point set {f,t}. Those elements that are in the subset map to 1 and those that are not map to f. This is called the characteristic function.

So in the case of set Ω is a 2 element set like Boolean algebra. The logic of a Topos is not necessarily Boolean logic, it is constructive (intuitionistic) logic as described on the page here. Its only the true elements that commute.

topos logic

We can complete the diagram by mapping through the terminal object T (in this case the 1 element set). All elements in S map to it.

The map T->Ω picks out the true elements of Ω.

As we can see, the diagram commutes.

Each injective map from the subsets corresponds to a map χ : X->Ω

where χ is the Greek letter Chi.

topos logic
The diagram relates the set category to the logic of boolean algebra but without the law of the excluded middle, that is intuitional or constructive logic. topos logic

Generalisation to Non-sets

We can generalise from elementary topos based on sets to other topoi.

We generalise this to categories that are not sets.

  • X becomes some category and S becomes a sub-category.
  • The injective mapping becomes a monic arrow.
  • The characteristic function then becomes the sub-object classifier.
topos logic

The set example above then a Boolean type is the sub-object classifier, however, if we have additional structure, for example a graph, then the sub-object classifier becomes more complicated.

Example - Graph

In the set example above Ω contains just true and false with the familiar Boolean logic. In the following more complicated examples there are also true and false corresponding to the cases where the subobject is completely in or completely out of the whole object. In addition there may now be other cases which are not but are required to allow the injection map to be valid. A good example of this is a graph category:

The terminal object for graph is one node with a loop. diagram

The sub-object classifier for graph has two nodes and 5 arrows.

For nodes:

  • Is not in subgraph
  • Is in subgraph

For edges:

  • Is in subgraph
  • Not in subgraph but its source and target are.
  • Not in subgraph but its source is.
  • Not in subgraph but its target is.
  • Not in subgraph and neither is its source or target.
The truth object. diagram

As with sets this is constructive (intuitionistic) logic as described on the page here.

Internal Structure
External Structure

Here we look at the substructure of a graph, each of the blue boxes is a graph object.

In this diagram the black arrows inside the boxes are the edges of the graph and the blue arrows outside are the inclusion arrows of the lattice.

This is a lot more complex than the set example above because both the nodes and the edges and all combinations can change.

In category theory we look at objects from the outside. That is the morphisms in and out of them.

Here we use a truth object Ω described above.

All the morphisms to Ω are given by Hom(X,Ω).


I have tried to draw how the internal elements map but the diagram gets a bit messy.

So I think its easier to represent like this.

How do we extend this beyond graphs to simplicial sets?

Alternative Viewpoint

We have two sets, 'A' and 'B', with an arbitrary mapping 'F' between them. We can define a subset of set 'B' by using the predicate 'P'. For every subset of 'B' defined by 'P' there exists a subset of 'A' defined by 'R'. Yoneda set embed
However this does not necessarily work in the other direction. Here is an example of a subset of 'A' which does not map to a subset of 'B'. yoneda set embed issue

So the map 'F' between objects induces a contravarient map between arrows P->R.

See also Yoneda embedding.

Topos and Logic

A logic is defined over a type. So if we have a type, say 'set', then its sub-stucture will correspond to a logic as described below. A different type, say 'POSET', will have a different logic.

Logic of Set Example

Here we look at the logic of the set example (described on page here) and how this corresponds to the subset structure.

In this diagram we have multiple subsets of X. Each one will have its own injective map into X and also its own map into the truth object.

To show all the arrows for all 3 subsets would make the diagram very complicated so I have just indicated where the arrows go for each subset.

Each injective map from the subsets corresponds to a map χ : X->Ω

where χ is the Greek letter Chi.

so χA corresponds to the subspace A

and so on.


We can split the χ map, first into ΩA×ΩB then map this to ΩA/\B.

This second part corresponds to the Boolean 'and' function.


In the diagrams below the dark green represents a subobject of the light green and the dark blue represents a subobject of the light blue. They can be combined in various ways:

and (meet) diagram /\(Ω,Ω) -> Ω
  f t
f f f
t f t
or (join) diagram \/(Ω,Ω) -> Ω
  f t
f f t
t t t
implies   =>(Ω,Ω) -> Ω
  f t
f t t
t f t

Logic of Graph Example

The logic of the nodes is the same as the set example:

and (meet) diagram /\(Ω,Ω) -> Ω
  f t
f f f
t f t
or (join) diagram \/(Ω,Ω) -> Ω
  f t
f f t
t t t
implies   =>(Ω,Ω) -> Ω
  f t
f t t
t f t

but now we also have the edges, here is my attempt to construct a truth table for 'and':

  none f->f f->t t->f t->t
none none        
f->f   f->f f->f f->f f->f
f->t   f->f f->t f->f f->f
t->f   f->f f->f t->f t->f
t->t   f->f f->f t->f t->t

For instance, if an edge goes from true to true (t->t) in 'A' and it goes from true to true in 'B' then it must be in their intersection and therefore goes from true to true in 'A/\B'.

What if it goes from true to true (t->t) in 'A' but it goes from false to false in 'B' then it can't be in their intersection and therefore goes from false to false in 'A/\B'.

So it looks like we can 'and' the source and target separately to give the resulting edge.

Example - Dynamical Systems

The terminal object for dynamical systems is one node with a loop. diagram

The sub-object classifier for dynamical systems.

'0' represents 'true' all other numbers indicate how many steps before it becomes true.



The truth object.

points to '0' representing true.


All nodes and edges in the subobject go to '0' which represents 'true' all other nodes goto the number which indicates how many steps before it becomes true.


Subobject Classifier

See page here for a non-categorical approach to sub-objects.


If the arrow 'f' is monic (injective) then it maps to a subobject (subset) of 'B'. That is: there is a subobject of B that is isomorphic to A.

The inclusion relation on subobjects is:

In order to define the subobject we must define the monic 'upto equality' which is not in the spirit of category theory. We will go on to define a 'subobject classifier' which defines a subobject, in a much more category theoretic way, by the composition of maps (and also relates the whole subject to logic).

Naming Arrows

In category theory we don't usually identify elements, such as elements of a set, because we only tend to determine things 'upto isomorphism'. The objects in a category are whole 'structures', they don't represent individual elements.

However, there is the possibility to indicate elements indirectly using arrows. For instance, if we want to enter a specific element we can use:


because, in sets, 1 is the single element set so it will indicate an element uniquely.

We can also use naming arrows. An arrow:

f: A->B

Is a subset of a function spacetop left bracketftop right bracket:{0}->BA

top left bracketftop right bracketis called the 'name' of the function.


In the opposite direction there is a correspondence between subsets of B and functions:


This is in the space 2B which corresponds to the powersetpower set(B), that is, all the possible subsets of B.

The characteristic arrow: xf classifies objects of B to determine if they are images of A. This is a pullback square. The object 2 has two values: 0 and 1. We also use the symbol Ω and call the elements 'true' and 'false'. subobject classifier

This means the topos theory is related to logic. (see also 'characteristic function' in number theory).

Predicate Category

The relationship ScontainsX above is a predicate. We can form a category of predicates on sets as follows:


predicates are pairs (S,X) where

X(i) implies an element i∈S is a free variable in S.


(S,X) -> (T,Y) where:

u:S-> T and X(i) implies:


predicate category

See also - Predicate logic.

Family of Sets

A family of sets consists of an index set I and, for each element k of I, a set Sk.

There seems to be two ways to conceptulise this:

Modest Sets

Set theoretic model of polymorphism.

Indexed Categories

(fibred category)

  indexed category


many sorted algebra ∑

Generalisation from Sets to Categories

Here we have illustrated some basic concepts using sets but they can be generalised to categories as shown here:

Sets Categories

Injective Function

No two distinct inputs give the same output.

We can define 'A' a subset of 'B' by using an injective function from C

injective function set

Monic Arrow

Whenever f•g = f•h then g=h


Here we are showing this as an inclusion function because we are interested in subset classifiers.

Injective function f: C >->B determines A as a subset of B (AcontainsB)
Im f = {f(x): x∈C}
where Im = Image

Set inclusion is a partial odering on the Power set


Surjective function

surjective function set

Epic Arrow

Inverse Functions

inverse function set


Power Set

power set

Power Object

subobjects of d form a poset

see pages about:

HEP and Topos Theory

Relationship to homotopy extension principle.

If we look at the category theory diagram for the homotopy extension principle HEP (see page here). diagram

and then compare it to the above diagram for the sub-object classifier we can see that there is a similar thing going on:

In the Topos case there may not be a requirement for continuous mappings but S is a subobject of X and the mapping between them is injective.


Topos Theory and Kan Extensions

Relationship to Kan extensions.

Again looking at the above diagram for the sub-object classifier:


Compare it with the diagram for the Kan extension (see page here). The above diagram appears to be a special case of the Kan extension (most things are!) so, in this diagram, 'F' is a constant mapping and 'K' is injective. diagram

In order to make F constant we factor it through the terminal object.

In the Topos case there may not be a requirement for continuous mappings but S is a subobject of X and the mapping between them is injective.


Topological Space

In many cases the concept of a metric space is unnecessary, however we still need the concept of 'nearness' and hence 'continuity'. 'Topological space' based on the 'topological open set' is the most general way we can do this. This allows us to define nearness purely using the concept of a subset.

Hausdorff Space

Hausdorff space is a bit more specific than general topological space. Space is Hausdorff if, in addition to being a topological open set, for any two points:
x1, x2∈X there are disjoint open sets U1, U2 that contain x1and x2.


A basis is a subcollection Bcontains= U


such that evey element of U is a union of open sets in B.

Category of Parts

See topos page here.


We can construct a category where the objects are morphisms into X. This is a slice (comma) category.

The additional requirement here is that these morphisms must be monic (injective). This means that each of these morphisms corresponds to a subobject of X.

diagram The arrows are morphisms between these objects.
diagram Composition works as expected.
diagram and Id


Computing Topos

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metadata block
see also: This site:

Other Sites:

Catsters youtube videos -

Adjunctions from Morphisms


These lectures are about physics using topos theory. It does not even get to topos until 5. parts 1-4 contains lots of other defintions.

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Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them.

flag flag flag flag flag flag The Princeton Companion to Mathematics - This is a big book that attempts to give a wide overview of the whole of mathematics, inevitably there are many things missing, but it gives a good insight into the history, concepts, branches, theorems and wider perspective of mathematics. It is well written and, if you are interested in maths, this is the type of book where you can open a page at random and find something interesting to read. To some extent it can be used as a reference book, although it doesn't have tables of formula for trig functions and so on, but where it is most useful is when you want to read about various topics to find out which topics are interesting and relevant to you.


Terminology and Notation

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