Maths - Category Theory - Pullback

Given fixed objects A,B,C and morphisms g,f then a pullback is P with some universal property. pullback

Pullback is a:

In programming terms it is related to the concept of indexing.

The pullback is like a type of division for function composition, in other words if multiplication is function composition then what is division? This comes in left and right flavors that is:

if h = g o f

Example in Set

Pullbacks add some extra structure to products (see page here). This can allow us to restrict to certain arrows and make other paths commute.


Here we take a product in set (as described on page here) and add another object T. This forms a square which must commute.

As a starting point the new object T is the terminal object. So everything maps to it and so the square commutes.

This is a pullback, but in a trivial way, because it does not add any restrictions to a product.

Now replace T with a two element set D which has elements a and b.

The requirement for the square to commute means that some elements in the array are no longer used.

So we can think of the pullback as restricting the elements of the product.


At the other extreme from the terminal object case, here we have a 1:1 correspondence between the elements of D and the rows and columns of the product. This restricts the array to its leading diagonal so the projections are 1:1 (or at least monomorphisms).

This concept can be extended from sets to pullbacks in other categories. Pullbacks preserve monomorphisms and isomorphisms: ncatlab.

Set Example 1

set pullback pushout This diagram is both a pullback and a pushout.

Set Example 2

How does the above example relate to the idea that the pullback is a subset of the cartesian product of two sets? We have this restriction on the Cartesian product:

Σ<a,b>∈A×B| f(a)=g(b)

So, in this example, 'P' contains only the subset of the Cartesian product shown in red (that is <e,e>). pullback example 2

Pullback and Intersection

The above case suggests that, in the most general case, injective maps don't work for the projections. However, if we impose a limitation by making the product a pullback, then it works and the 'product' can be an intersection.

see ncatlab

Pullbacks in other Objects

In sets the product contains an array of ordered pairs, in more general objects these may not all exist.

For product topological spaces, products are taken at the level of the underlying sets and endowing them with an initial lift structure, the smallest or initial topology for which the projection maps are continuous. see ncatlab

A partially ordered set can be treated as a category, using the order relation as the morphisms. In this case the products and coproducts correspond to greatest lower bounds (meets) and least upper bounds (joins). see wiki.

Pullbacks in Directed Graphs

We looked at this example for catagorical products on page here. Here we extend the example to pullbacks of two directed graphs.


The simplest way to convert the product to a pullback is to add maps from B and C to the terminal obgect.

This does not add any restrictions to the product so we still have a Cartesian product.

In a Cartesian product there is an arrow from (g,h) to (g',h') iff:

  • there is a arrow from g to g'
  • or there is a arrow from h to h'

We can take the opposite extreem. Here there is an element in D for every element in B or C.

This gives a tensor product.

In a tensor product there is an arrow from (g,h) to (g',h') iff:

  • there is a arrow from g to g'
  • and there is a arrow from h to h'

This is a similar construct to a fibration (see page here) but here we have not invoked the concepts of a topological space or continuous maps between them.

In general for graphs:

  • Pullbacks always exist.
  • Pushouts do not necessarily exist

Table of Results

  Pullbacks Pushout
universal cone over diagram

abc diagram



P is the pullback of f along g or g along f (A,B,C fixed) .

Square must commute (in best possible way) so any other square, also containing (A,B,C) must uniquely map to it.


P is the pushout of A,B,C

  • of limit
  • of inverse
a kind of colimit
examples: set:

Σ<a,b>∈A×B| f(a)=g(b)


k(x) maps to <j(x),i(x)>

called a fibred product.

A U B /equivalence relation

In Graphs

Pullbacks always exist. Pushouts do not necessarily exist.

In concrete categories the Cartesian product is often the categorical product. The pullback is like the categorical product but with additional conditions. So in the following examples we have a Cartesian product with a subset of the rows and columns.

Example in Number Expressions

This generates pairs of elements <a, b> : P with a in A, b in B, such that f(a) = g(b).

So the requirement for this square to commute generates in P all the possible pairs of numbers that are equal to each other.

So, in the example on the right, 4 is a 'representative' for all the things it is equal to such as 2+2 and 3+1. Sometimes the notation [4] is used for the set of all the things it is equal to (although this notation could be confused with list).

More about this on Leibniz equality page.


Examples in Groups

  group pullback

Substitution as Pullback

Can we express substitution in category theory terms? See discussion on page here.

  Substitution of a term into a predicate is pullback, but substitution of a term into a term is composition.
Type theory version Substitution of a term into a dependant type is pullback, but substitution of a term into a term is composition.

There is a discussion of this topic on this site.

Say we have two propositions, say:

  • y = 2*x+1
  • z = w + 3

Then, under certain conditions, we could substitute a variable for a term. Say, let w=y so:

  • z = (2*x+1) + 3

So here we draw this substitution as a pullback.


  • More about substitution and equality on this page.
  • Using substitution in proofs on this page.
  • Substitution and adjunction discussed on this page.
  • Pullback and equality discussed on this page.

Pullback as Generalisation of Inverse

  • Function/morphism from A to C is given.
  • Subset B of C is given.

Hence we have two morphisms to C so this looks like the given part of a pullback.

pullback inverse
inverse square To complete the square we add cone for this diagram and we call it f-1(B) to emphasise that it is the inverse of 'f'.

Reversing a function can generate interesting structure, for example, reversing addition on natural numbers leads to the integers and reversing multiplication leads to fractional numbers.

If we reverse a surjective mapping, where many elements in the domain map to a single element in the codomain, then reversing the function gives a fibre bundle. reverse surjective
If we reverse a injective mapping, where not all elements in the codomain are mapped to, then reversing the function gives a subobject structure. reverse injective

Continuity as Pullback

This diagram shows a set of points being mapped to another set of points (in red).

For that map to be continuous the pre-image of every open set must be an open set (shown as blue map in the reverse direction).


Pullback Properties of Injective and Surjective Maps

  • if f is surjective then f* is injective
  • if f is injective, then f* is surjective

This can be proved from:

(pulling back swaps left and right)

Let f:X->Y and g:Y->X.

if g•f=id.

if f •g=id.

Relationship to Equaliser

If the category A is the same as the category B then the pullback becomes an equaliser.

See equalisers on this page.

Related Pages

Examples in Various Categories

  product arrow category  
generalisation   a kind of limit
set example product set

cartesian product


group   the product is given by the cartesian product with multiplication defined component wise.
Grp (abelian)   direct sum
vector space   direct sum
poset   greatest lower bound
base topological space    

greatest lower bounds (meets)

Top   the space whose underlying set is the cartesian product and which carries the product topology

In Graphs


Pullbacks always exist.

(Pushouts do not necessarily exist.)

category   objects: (a,b)
morphism: (a,b)->(a',b')

tensor products are not categorial products.

In the category of pointed spaces, fundamental in homotopy theory, the coproduct is the wedge sum (which amounts to joining a collection of spaces with base points at a common base point).

Computation, Logic and Geometry

Venn diagrams show us a deep connection between sets , logic and geometry.

If we swap from sets to types and and from Boolean logic to constructive logic we get similar mathematical structure that has this 3-way correspondence.

  Type Theory Logic Geometry
  • programs
  • constructions
  • algorithmns
  • recipies

constants, variables & functions.

a term is a proof of the proposition.
  • generalised elements
  • points in a space.
non-dependant types empty_|_ false initial object
unit T true terminal object
sum or coproduct
pair and product
function implication internal hom
dependant types type family predicate bundle
substitution substitution pullback of a bundle
Σ type exists total space of a bundle
Π type for all space of sections of bundles

metadata block
see also:

Catsters youtube videos - Terminal and initial objects

Catsters youtube videos - Products and coproducts

Catsters youtube videos - Pullbacks and pushouts

Catsters youtube videos - General limits and colimits

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flag flag flag flag flag flag The Princeton Companion to Mathematics - This is a big book that attempts to give a wide overview of the whole of mathematics, inevitably there are many things missing, but it gives a good insight into the history, concepts, branches, theorems and wider perspective of mathematics. It is well written and, if you are interested in maths, this is the type of book where you can open a page at random and find something interesting to read. To some extent it can be used as a reference book, although it doesn't have tables of formula for trig functions and so on, but where it is most useful is when you want to read about various topics to find out which topics are interesting and relevant to you.


Terminology and Notation

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