notation | meaning | basis | Alternative |
direct sum or Kronecker sum depending on context | |||
direct product or Kronecker product depending on context | |||
/\ | exterior algebra | ||
/\k | exterior algebra kth blade | ||
scalar or real depending on context (see below) | e0 | ||
² | 2 dimensional vector | e1,e2 | |
³ | 3 dimensional vector | e1,e2,e3 | |
n | n dimensional vector | e1…en | |
^²² | bivector based on 2D algebra | e12 | |
^²³ | bivector based on 3D algebra | e12,e31,e23 | |
C | complex numbers | ||
H | quaternions | ³ | |
O | octonions | 7 | |
aA | a is an element of the set A | ||
I have used the term 'scalar' interchangeably with the term 'real', that is, a continuous value that can be represented by a single number.
Strictly speaking the term 'scalar' should be reserved for a quantity that is used to scale a vector, that is change its magnitude without changing its direction, or in other words a scalar is the ratio of parallel vectors.
For instance I should not really call energy a scalar because there are no vectors involved.
I apologise for my lack of mathematical rigor here, its just that the word scalar seems to better express that it is not a vector and its less likely to cause confusion with the real part of a complex number. Also this (mis?)usage is quite common in the computer world.
notation | meaning |
[M] | matrix |
[M]t | transpose of matrix (swap rows & columns) |
[M]-1 | inverse of matrix |
[I] | identity matrix (ones on leading diagonal, otherwise zeros) |
The individual elements of the matrix are numbered as follows,
m00 | m01 | m02 | … | m0n |
m10 | m11 | m12 | … | m1n |
m20 | m21 | m22 | … | m2n |
mp0 | mp1 | mp2 | … | mpn |
The first subscript represents the row, the second subscript represents the column
notation | example | meaning | pages in site |
subscript | e1 | coordinate basis | |
superscript | x1 | coordinate value | |
Einstein Summation Convention | eixi=e1x1+e2x2+e3x3=∑eixi | When the same index appears twice in an expression, once raised and once lowered, a sum is implied. | |
partial derivatives | ∂a=∂/∂a |
notation | example | meaning | |
A | A = {a | aA} | set | |
a | aA | element of A | |
{a, b, c} | set containing a, b and c | ||
a H = {ah | hH} | left coset of a | ||
(a,b) | cycle notation | ||
<a,b> | all the elements of group generated by a and b | ||
<r,f | r³=1, f²=1, frf=r-1> | generators with constrains | ||
K = {k | kK} | complement of set indicated by bar over top | |
| A | | grade (size) = number of elements in A | ||
| G : H | | number of left cosets of H in G | ||
× | Direct Product | ||
Semidirect Product (left) | |||
{n, h}φ {n',h'} | Semidirect Product (right) | ||
Bicrossed Product also known as Knit or Zappa-Szep product |
h = h'H such that a h' = h a |
Normal subgroup a H = H a for all a in G | ||
Ø | empty set | ||
¬ | not | ||
∧ | and (= intersection) | ||
∨ | or (U = union) | ||
is in (is an element of the set) | |||
AB | A is contained in B (or A is a subset of B) | ||
-> | if | ||
<-> | if and only if | ||
for all | |||
there exists | |||
is isomorphic to | |||
(S) | The set of subsets of S (power set) | ||
orb(s) | Orbit - set of elements that can be reached | ||
stab(s) | Stabilizer - set of elements that don't move s |
Sets are discussed on this page and groups here.
Endo is a Greek word meaning inside.
notation | example | meaning | pages in site |
/\ | conjunction, and , intersection (in set), greatest lower bound (in order) |
\/ | disjunction, or , union (in set), least upper bound (in order) | ||
T | Top (true) | ||
_|_ | Bottom (false) | ||
=> | A => B | Implication A => B means A implies B |
Tφ | φ is a theorem of T In contrast to 'implication' above this is a statement about statements usually written only when we mean φ follows from T, wheras A => B is a statement we may consider as a conjecture . See [Lawvere,Rosebrugh page 198] Not to be confused with right adjoint in category theory. |
logic | |
for all (quantifier) | |||
there exists (quantifier) |
notation | example | meaning | pages in site |
AB | Map / Morphism / Function between mathematical structures that relates or preserves the structures in some way. May be injection, surjection or bijection (injection can be specifically indicated see below) | ||
a b | A function in terms of elements of the structures aA, bB | ||
A function that is valid if all the functions drawn as solid lines are valid | |||
injective morphism (embedding) | |||
canonical map - map of G onto factor group G/H where H is a normal subgroup of G | |||
Left adjoint | |||
Right adjoint |
notation | example | meaning | pages in site |
[[D]] | [[2*5]] = 10 | A 'denotion' is written in double square brackets. It represents the meaning of D to a program evaluation of D |
Bottom (undefined) | |||
Less defined than |
upper | lower | upper | lower | upper | lower | |||
Alpha | A | α | Iota | I | ι | Rho | P | ρ |
Beta | B | β | Kappa | K | κ | Sigma | Σ | σ |
Gamma | Γ | γ | Lambda | Λ | λ | Tau | Τ | τ |
Delta | Δ | δ | Mu | M | μ | Upsilon | Υ | υ |
Epsilon | E | ε | Nu | N | ν | Phi | Φ | φ |
Zeta | Z | ζ | Xi | Ξ | ξ | Chi | X | χ |
Eta | H | η | Omicron | O | ο | Psi | Ψ | ψ |
Theta | Θ | θ | Pi | Π | π | Omega | Ω | ω |
× | ÷ | ± | • | ||||||
° | ð | Ð | ƒ | µ | |||||
Ø | ø | Þ | þ | † | |||||
… | ∂ | ◊ | ≤ | ||||||
≥ | ∈ | ≠ | ≈ | ∫ | |||||
∞ | ∀ | ∃ | √ | ||||||
m | 10-3 | K | 103 |
µ | 10-6 | M | 106 |
n | 10-9 | G | 109 |
p | 10-12 | T | 1012 |
f | 10-15 | ||
a | 10-18 |
metadata block |
see also: |
external |
Correspondence about this page | |
Book Shop - Further reading. Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them. |
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