Maths - Logic and Boolean Algebra

Logic is a language for reasoning.

On these pages I am mostly concerned with mathematical logic and the mathematical structures that are related to it. There are a common set of lattice-like structures that occur in various branches of mathematics such as orders, logic and sets.

  Order Logic Set
T top true universe
_|_ bottom false Ø
/\ (conjunction) greatest lower bound and intersection
\/ (disjunction) least upper bound or U


We often write a rule in logic like this:
where A and B are propositions.
and A/\B is an assertion


We take this to mean that, if all the things above the line are true, then the thing below the line is true.


Values have two values ether true of false, we may use alternative names as follows:


In boolean algebra every value evaluates to either true or false. In intuitionistic logic or constructive logic a value may be neither true or false, it is only true or false when proven to be true or proven to be false.


conjunction /\ and (boolean,boolean) -> boolean
disjunction \/ or (boolean,boolean) -> boolean
negation ¬ not boolean -> boolean
implication ==> if (boolean,boolean) -> boolean
equivalence <=> if and only if (iff) (boolean,boolean) -> boolean


for all for all
there exists there exists (for some)

Propositional, FOL and HOL

Propositional Logic

Has connectives:

  • and
  • or
  • negate
  • implication

Propositions could be seen as questions about set membership, for example,

x is a member of X

since we can construct X as a set with the property we want.

First Order Logic

Extends Propositional Logic so it has connectives plus:

  • predicates (a function that takes inputs and produces true/false).
  • quantifiersthere existsfor all(range over sets)

Predicates act like functions that take an input value and produce a true/false value.

Higher Order Logic

As First Order Logic plus:

  • metapredicate (can take predicates as input)
  • quantifiers which can range over sets of sets.

Questions about sets of sets and so on.

Example: all members of Y are members of X:

hol example

Boolean Algebra

A B ¬A ¬B or and xor A ==> B A <=> B
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1


identity and or
commutativity x /\ y = y /\ x x \/ y = y \/ x
associativity (x /\ y) /\ z = x /\ (y /\ z) (x \/ y) \/ z = x \/ (y \/ z)
idempotency x /\ x = x x \/ x = x
absoption laws x \/ (x /\ y) = x x /\ (x \/ y) = x
distribution (x \/ y) /\ z = (x /\ z) \/ (y /\ z)
excluded middle x /\ ¬x = false x \/ ¬x = true
De Morgan
(duality principle)
¬(x /\ y) = ¬x \/ ¬y ¬(x \/ y) = ¬x /\ ¬y
double negation ¬¬x = x
true and false

x /\ true = x
x /\ false = false
¬true = false

x \/ true = true
x \/ false = x
¬false = true

Canonical Form

minterm form ¬A¬B ƒ(00) + ¬AB ƒ(01) + A¬B ƒ(10) + AB ƒ(11)
maxterm form (¬A + ¬B + ƒ(00) )( ¬A + B + ƒ(01) )( A + ¬B + ƒ(10) )( A + B + ƒ(11))

example: exclusive or is:


Karnaugh Maps

A\B   0     1
  EF\CD     EF\CD  
0 4 12 8
1 5 13 9
3 7 15 11
2 6 14 10
16 20 28 24
17 21 29 25
19 23 31 27
18 22 30 26
  EF\CD     EF\CD  
32 36 44 40
33 37 45 41
35 39 47 43
34 38 46 42
48 52 60 56
49 53 61 57
51 55 63 59
50 54 62 58

Logic and Computing

There is a deep connection between: λ-calculus, intuitionistic logic and cartesian closed categories.

Curry-Howard Correspondence

There is a relationship between computer programs and mathematical proofs, this is known as the Curry-Howard correspondence.

A type in λ-calculus has the same mathematical structure as a proposition in intuitionistic logic.

A constructor for that type corresponds to a proof of the proposition. The following table has some specific types with their corresponding propositions:

Proposition Type
true formula unit type
false formula empty type
implication function type
conjunction product type
disjunction sum type
universal quantification generalised product type (Π type)
existential quantification generalised sum type (Σ type)

For more information about the Curry-Howard correspondence see the page here.

Computation, Logic and Geometry

Venn diagrams show us a deep connection between sets , logic and geometry.

If we swap from sets to types and and from Boolean logic to constructive logic we get similar mathematical structure that has this 3-way correspondence.

  Type Theory Logic Geometry
  • programs
  • constructions
  • algorithmns
  • recipies

constants, variables & functions.

a term is a proof of the proposition.
  • generalised elements
  • points in a space.
non-dependant types empty _|_ false initial object
unit T true terminal object
sum or coproduct
pair and product
function implication internal hom
dependant types type family predicate bundle
substitution substitution pullback of a bundle
Σ type exists total space of a bundle
Π type for all space of sections of bundles

simply typed λ-calculus


Formation rules for well typed terms (wtt):

Given a wtt M:B the set FV(M) of the free variables of M, is defined as follows:

The substitution [M/x]N:B of a proof M:A for a generic x:A in a proof N:B is defined in the following way:

Reduction - rewriting system


= : minimal congruence relation

metadata block
see also:
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Book Shop - Further reading.

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them.

cover Modern Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 184)

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