Maths - Category Theory - Sum


A sum in category theory is a kind of colimit. It is dual to a product discussed on the page here.

It consists of the sum A+B with two arrows into it, one from A and the other from B.

It must have a universal property which is: For any other object Z with maps from A and B there must be a unique arrow from A+B to Z.

Sum Example in Set


In this diagram the two sets A and B are shown with elements. Some of the elements in A+B have inputs from A, some from B and some from both.

So A+B is a (not necessarily disjoint) union.

So to comply with the universal property the maps into Z must respect the disjointedness or otherwise of the elements.

I have drawn the sum like this: diagram

but when encoding the elements we may need to tag them with a 0 or 1 to know whether they come from A or B.

In algebraic terms this is like:

A+A = 2*A

where 2 means a Boolean type


Sum Example in Integers

Sum objects are discussed in this page.


We can construct the Integers from 2 natural numbers, the positive numbers and the negative numbers:

Z = N+N

Alternatively we can construct the Integers from a natural number and a sign (+ or -):

Z = 2*N

I'm not sure these equations quite work at the intersection (we don't want both +0 and -0)

In type theory we can construct the natural numbers from zero and successor N constructors where successor is a recursive function.

So if we also construct the negative natural numbers from zero and predecessor can we define these higher order functions in the sum?

Can we extend successor and predecessor to both work across all of Z?


Example in Directed Graph


This is like the set example with arrows between the elements.

Can we have arrows into and out of the intersection like this? I can't see why not but possibly not when we go on to pushout.

Table of Results



generalisation   a kind of colimit
set example

sum set

disjoint union


group   free product
the free product for groups is generated by the set of all letters from a similar "almost disjoint" union where no two elements from different sets are allowed to commute.
Grp (abelian)  

direct sum
consists of the elements of the direct product which have only finitely many nonzero terms (this therefore coincides exactly with the direct product, in the case of finitely many factors)

the group generated by the "almost" disjoint union (disjoint union of all nonzero elements, together with a common zero)

vector space   direct sum
poset   least upper bound
base topological space   wedge


least upper bounds (joins)

Top   disjoint unions with their disjoint union topologies


When generating a sum for objects with structure then the structure associated with the link can be added to the sum object.

group sum category

Next Steps


see also:

metadata block
see also:

Catsters youtube videos - Terminal and initial objects

Catsters youtube videos - Products and coproducts

Catsters youtube videos - Pullbacks and pushouts

Catsters youtube videos - General limits and colimits

Correspondence about this page

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flag flag flag flag flag flag The Princeton Companion to Mathematics - This is a big book that attempts to give a wide overview of the whole of mathematics, inevitably there are many things missing, but it gives a good insight into the history, concepts, branches, theorems and wider perspective of mathematics. It is well written and, if you are interested in maths, this is the type of book where you can open a page at random and find something interesting to read. To some extent it can be used as a reference book, although it doesn't have tables of formula for trig functions and so on, but where it is most useful is when you want to read about various topics to find out which topics are interesting and relevant to you.


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