TT Code

TT is the internal language of Idris. The Idris source code is converted to TT code which can then be converted to various back ends.

TT syntax

t ::= c   (constant)
| x       (variable)
| b.t     (binding)
| t t     (application)
| T       (type constructor)
| D       (data constructor)

b::= λ x:t     (abstraction)
| let x->t :t   (let binding)
|for allx :t      (function space)

c::= Typei          (type universes)
| i                 (integer literal)
| str               (string literal)

Example of TT

Idris> :let a=1
Idris> `(a+1)
App (App (App (App (P Ref
                      (NS (UN "+") ["Interfaces", "Prelude"])
                      (Bind (UN "ty")
                            (Pi (TType (UVar "./Prelude/Interfaces.idr" 2339))
                                (TType (UVar "./Prelude/Interfaces.idr" 2341)))
                            (Bind (UN "__interface")
                                  (Pi (App (P (TCon 0 0)
                                              (NS (UN "Num") ["Interfaces", "Prelude"])
                                           (V 0))
                                      (TType (UVar "./Prelude/Interfaces.idr" 2342)))
                                  (Bind (UN "__pi_arg")
                                        (Pi (V 1) (TType (UVar "./Prelude/Interfaces.idr" 2343)))
                                        (Bind (UN "__pi_arg3")
                                              (Pi (V 2)
                                                  (TType (UVar "./Prelude/Interfaces.idr" 2344)))
                                              (V 3))))))
                   (TConst (AType (ATInt ITBig))))
              (P Ref
                 (NS (SN (ImplementationN (NS (UN "Num") ["Interfaces", "Prelude"])
                     ["Interfaces", "Prelude"])
                 (App (P (TCon 184 1) (NS (UN "Num") ["Interfaces", "Prelude"]) Erased)
                      (TConst (AType (ATInt ITBig))))))
         (P Ref (UN "a") (TConst (AType (ATInt ITBig)))))
    (App (App (App (P Ref
                      (NS (UN "fromInteger") ["Interfaces", "Prelude"])
                      (Bind (UN "ty")
                            (Pi (TType (UVar "./Prelude/Interfaces.idr" 2362))
                                (TType (UVar "./Prelude/Interfaces.idr" 2364)))
                            (Bind (UN "__interface")
                                  (Pi (App (P (TCon 0 0)
                                              (NS (UN "Num") ["Interfaces", "Prelude"])
                                           (V 0))
                                      (TType (UVar "./Prelude/Interfaces.idr" 2365)))
                                  (Bind (UN "__pi_arg")
                                        (Pi (TConst (AType (ATInt ITBig)))
                                            (TType (UVar "./Prelude/Interfaces.idr" 2366)))
                                        (V 2)))))
                   (TConst (AType (ATInt ITBig))))
              (P Ref
                 (NS (SN (ImplementationN (NS (UN "Num") ["Interfaces", "Prelude"])
                     ["Interfaces", "Prelude"])
                 (App (P (TCon 184 1) (NS (UN "Num") ["Interfaces", "Prelude"]) Erased)
                      (TConst (AType (ATInt ITBig))))))
         (TConst (BI 1))) : TT


Structure of TT

This diagram represents the structure of TT as defined in the code here.

tt structure

TT Representation Inside Library

TT can be represented by Idris users so that it can be used for elaborator reflection etc. See full code here: Idris1 Idris2

blue idris1

red idris2

||| Types of named references
data NameType =
  ||| A reference which is just bound, e.g. by intro
  Bound |
  ||| A reference to a de Bruijn-indexed variable
  Ref |
  ||| Data constructor with tag and number
  DCon Int Int |
  DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat)
  ||| Type constructor with tag and number
  TCon Int Int
  TyCon   : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat)

||| Types annotations for bound variables in different
||| binding contexts
||| @ tmTy the terms that can occur inside the binder, as type
|||        annotations or bound values
data Binder : (tmTy : Type) -> Type where
  ||| Lambdas
  ||| @ ty the type of the argument
  Lam : (ty : a) -> Binder a

  ||| Function types.
  ||| @ kind The kind of arrow. Only relevant when dealing with
  |||        uniqueness, so you can usually pretend that this
  |||        field doesn't exist. For ordinary functions, use the
  |||        type of types here.
  Pi : (ty, kind : a) -> Binder a

  ||| A let binder
  ||| @ ty the type of the bound variable
  ||| @ val the bound value
  Let : (ty, val : a) -> Binder a

  ||| A hole that can occur during elaboration, and must be filled
  ||| @ ty the type of the value that will eventually be put into the hole
  Hole : (ty : a) -> Binder a

  ||| A hole that will later become a top-level metavariable
  GHole : (ty : a) -> Binder a

  ||| A hole with a solution in it. Computationally inert.
  ||| @ ty the type of the value in the hole
  ||| @ val the value in the hole
  Guess : (ty, val : a) -> Binder a

  ||| A pattern variable. These bindings surround the terms that make
  ||| up the left and right sides of pattern-matching definition
  ||| clauses.
  ||| @ ty the type of the pattern variable
  PVar : (ty : a) -> Binder a

  ||| The type of a pattern binding. This is to `PVar` as `Pi` is to
  ||| `Lam`.
  ||| @ ty the type of the pattern variable
  PVTy : (ty : a) -> Binder a

public export
data Constant
    = I Int
    | BI Integer
    | Str String
    | Ch Char
    | Db Double
    | WorldVal

    | IntType
    | IntegerType
    | StringType
    | CharType
    | DoubleType
    | WorldType

public export
data Name = UN String
          | MN String Int
          | NS (List String) Name

public export
data Count = M0 | M1 | MW

public export
data PiInfo = ImplicitArg | ExplicitArg | AutoImplicit

public export
data IsVar : Name -> Nat -> List Name -> Type where
     First : IsVar n Z (n :: ns)
     Later : IsVar n i ns -> IsVar n (S i) (m :: ns)

public export
data LazyReason = LInf | LLazy | LUnknown

||| The various universes involved in the uniqueness mechanism
data Universe = NullType | UniqueType | AllTypes

||| Reflection of the well typed core language
data TT  : List Name ->
        ||| A reference to some name (P for Parameter)
        P NameType TTName TT |
        ||| de Bruijn variables
        V Int |
        ||| Bind a variable
        Bind TTName (Binder TT) TT |
        ||| Apply one term to another
        App TT TT |
        ||| Embed a constant
        TConst Const |
        ||| Erased terms
        Erased |
        ||| The type of types along (with universe constraints)
        TType TTUExp |
        ||| Alternative universes for dealing with uniqueness
        UType Universe
     Local : FC -> (idx : Nat) -> (n : Name) ->
             (0 prf : IsVar name idx vars) -> TT vars
     Ref : FC -> NameType -> Name -> TT vars
     Pi : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
          (x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (retTy : TT (x :: vars)) ->
          TT vars
     Lam : FC -> Count -> PiInfo ->
           (x : Name) -> (argTy : TT vars) -> (scope : TT (x :: vars)) ->
           TT vars
     App : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars -> TT vars
     TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> TT vars -> TT vars
     TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> (ty : TT vars) -> (arg : TT vars) -> TT vars
     TForce : FC -> TT vars -> TT vars
     PrimVal : FC -> Constant -> TT vars
     Erased : FC -> TT vars
     TType : FC -> TT vars

TT Example (Idris 1)

Here we define a very simple datatype. A Boolean-like structure with two constructors 'T' and 'F'.

In the diagram below:

declare & define a datatype

Here is a function that uses it:


There are two main ‘tactics’ associated with generating datatypes:

Which declare and define the datatype as the names suggest.

These ‘tactics’ and the data structures associated with them are listed in the tables later on this page, for now, here is a summary: diagram illustrating data structures associated with declareDatatype defineDatatype
As a first example, the following boolean-like type can be constructed. When the compiler has run it will be available to us as if we had compiled it in the usual way:
data Two : Type where
F : Two
T : Two

Also a couple of functions to use the type. Like this:

perm1: Two -> Two
perm1 F = F
perm1 T = T

perm2: Two -> Two
perm2 F = T
perm2 T = F

Instead of entering this as Idris source code as above we can enter it in TT-like form using elaborator reflection as in the following code:

%language ElabReflection
module TwoDef

addTwo : Elab ()
addTwo = do
    let twoname : TTName = `{{TwoDef.Two}}
    let F2 = `{{TwoDef.F}}
    let T2 = `{{TwoDef.T}}
    declareDatatype $ Declare twoname [] `(Type)
    defineDatatype $ DefineDatatype twoname [
        Constructor `{{F}} [] (Var `{{TwoDef.Two}}),
        Constructor `{{T}} [] (Var `{{TwoDef.Two}})

    let perm1 = `{{TwoDef.perm1}}
    declareType (Declare perm1 [MkFunArg `{{code}} (Var twoname) Explicit NotErased] (Var twoname))
    defineFunction $ DefineFun perm1 [
      MkFunClause (RApp (Var perm1) (Var `{{TwoDef.F}})) (Var F2),
      MkFunClause (RApp (Var perm1) (Var `{{TwoDef.T}})) (Var T2)

    let perm2 = `{{TwoDef.perm2}}
    declareType (Declare perm2 [MkFunArg `{{code}} (Var twoname) Explicit NotErased] (Var twoname))
    defineFunction $ DefineFun perm2 [
      MkFunClause (RApp (Var perm1) (Var `{{TwoDef.F}})) (Var T2),
      MkFunClause (RApp (Var perm1) (Var `{{TwoDef.T}})) (Var F2)

%runElab addTwo

This is a lot more messy and complicated compared to the Idris code but it may be possible to do things Idris source can't. The objective here is just to try to understand this TT code.

We can also go in the other direction, from Idris -> TT, by using Quasiquotation:

*elabExTwoDef> T
T : Two
*elabExTwoDef> `(T)
P (DCon 1 0)
  (NS (UN "T") ["TwoDef"])
  (P (TCon 0 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased) : TT
*elabExTwoDef> `(perm1 T)
App (P Ref
       (NS (UN "perm1") ["TwoDef"])
       (Bind (UN "code")
             (Pi (P (TCon 63 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased) (UType AllTypes))
             (P (TCon 63 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased)))
    (P (DCon 1 0)
       (NS (UN "T") ["TwoDef"])
       (P (TCon 0 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased)) : TT
*elabExTwoDef> `(perm2 T)
App (P Ref
       (NS (UN "perm2") ["TwoDef"])
       (Bind (UN "code")
             (Pi (P (TCon 63 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased) (UType AllTypes))
             (P (TCon 63 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased)))
    (P (DCon 1 0)
       (NS (UN "T") ["TwoDef"])
       (P (TCon 0 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased)) : TT
*elabExTwoDef> `(perm1 F)
App (P Ref
       (NS (UN "perm1") ["TwoDef"])
       (Bind (UN "code")
             (Pi (P (TCon 63 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased) (UType AllTypes))
             (P (TCon 63 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased)))
    (P (DCon 0 0)
       (NS (UN "F") ["TwoDef"])
       (P (TCon 0 0) (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"]) Erased)) : TT

We can also get the TT code like this:

*elabExTwoDef> addTwo
Prim__BindElab (Prim__DeclareDatatype (Declare (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"])
         (\__bindx =>
      Prim__BindElab (defineDatatype (DefineDatatype (NS (UN "Two") ["TwoDef"])
                 [Constructor (UN "F")
                        (Var (NS (UN "Two")
                  Constructor (UN "T")
                        (Var (NS (UN "Two")
         (\__bindx =>
            Prim__BindElab (declareType (Declare (NS (UN "perm1")
                   [MkFunArg (UN "code")
                       (Var (NS (UN "Two")
                   (Var (NS (UN "Two")
               (\__bindx =>
                  Prim__BindElab (defineFunction (DefineFun (NS (UN "perm1")
                        [MkFunClause (RApp (Var (NS (UN "perm1")
                               (Var (NS (UN "F")
                               (Var (NS (UN "F")
                         MkFunClause (RApp (Var (NS (UN "perm1")
                               (Var (NS (UN "T")
                               (Var (NS (UN "T")
                     (\__bindx =>
                  Prim__BindElab (declareType (Declare (NS (UN "perm2")
                               [MkFunArg (UN "code")
                                   (Var (NS (UN "Two")
                               (Var (NS (UN "Two")
                           (\__bindx =>
                        defineFunction (DefineFun (NS (UN "perm2")
                                [MkFunClause (RApp (Var (NS (UN "perm1")
                                       (Var (NS (UN "F")
                                 (Var (NS (UN "T")
                                 MkFunClause (RApp (Var (NS (UN "perm1")
                                       (Var (NS (UN "T")
                                 (Var (NS (UN "F")
                                    ["TwoDef"]))])))))) : Elab ()


metadata block
see also:
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Copyright (c) 1998-2023 Martin John Baker - All rights reserved - privacy policy.