Axiom Pauli Matrix Implementation

The PauliMatrix is a square matrix which can be represented by a linear combination of basis matrices.

I'm not sure if this is the best name as I think this is a bit more general than the matrices that arise in Pauli's treatment of spin in quantum mechanics?

One application of this is to find matrix representation isomorphic to a given Clifford Algebra.

There are two reasons that make this useful:

(1) -> P := PauliMatrix(Integer,2,2)

   (1)  PauliMatrix(Integer,2,2)
                                                             Type: Type
(2) -> a := matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])$P

        +1  2+
   (2)  |    |
        +3  4+
                                         Type: PauliMatrix(Integer,2,2)
(3) -> a*a

        +7   10+
   (3)  |      |
        +15  22+
                                         Type: PauliMatrix(Integer,2,2)
(4) ->

Rafal Ablamowicz method: (Also see Pertti Lounesto 2nd ed P225) A matrix will itself satisfy the characteristic polynomial equation obeyed by its own eigenvalues and that therefore the equivalent Clifford number will also obey the same characteristic equation

det(A - λ I) = 0


Example 1 - Two Dimensional Case

The bilinear form is:

a11 a12
a21 a22

m1*m2 = m1 /\ m2 + bilinear(m1,m2)

m1*m1 = m1 /\ m1 + bilinear(m1,m1) = bilinear(m1,m1)

(1) -> )library CLIF
   CliffordAlgebra is now explicitly exposed in frame frame1
   CliffordAlgebra will be automatically loaded when needed from

   (1)  CliffordAlgebra(2,Expression(Fraction(Integer)),[[a1,a2],[a3,a4]])
                                                               Type: Type
(2) -> C:B := multivector[c1,c2,c3,c4]

   (2)  c1 + c2 e  + c3 e  + c4 e e
                 1       2       1 2
  Type: CliffordAlgebra(2,Expression(Fraction(Integer)),[[a1,a2],[a3,a4]])
(3) -> C*C

                        2        2                         2     2
     (- a1 a4 + a2 a3)c4  + a4 c3  + (a3 + a2)c2 c3 + a1 c2  + c1
     ((a3 - a2)c2 c4 + 2c1 c2)e  + ((a3 - a2)c3 c4 + 2c1 c3)e
                               1                             2
     ((a3 - a2)c4  + 2c1 c4)e e
                             1 2
  Type: CliffordAlgebra(2,Expression(Fraction(Integer)),[[a1,a2],[a3,a4]])
(4) ->


a11 = 1 a12 = 0
a21 = 0 a22 = 1


(1) -> )library CLIF
   CliffordAlgebra is now explicitly exposed in frame frame1
   CliffordAlgebra will be automatically loaded when needed from
(1) -> B := CliffordAlgebra(2,Expression(Fraction(Integer)),[[1,0],[0,1]])

   (1)  CliffordAlgebra(2,Expression(Fraction(Integer)),[[1,0],[0,1]])
                                                               Type: Type
(2) -> C:B := multivector[c1,c2,c3,c4]

   (2)  c1 + c2 e  + c3 e  + c4 e e
                 1       2       1 2
     Type: CliffordAlgebra(2,Expression(Fraction(Integer)),[[1,0],[0,1]])
(3) -> C*C

            2     2     2     2
   (3)  - c4  + c3  + c2  + c1  + 2c1 c2 e  + 2c1 c3 e  + 2c1 c4 e e
                                          1           2           1 2
     Type: CliffordAlgebra(2,Expression(Fraction(Integer)),[[1,0],[0,1]])
(4) ->

c1 = - c4² + c3² + c2² + c1²

c2 = 2c1 c2

c3 = 2c1 c3

c4 = 2c1 c4


c1 = 1/2

1/4 = - c4² + c3² + c2²

We need to find primitive idempotent (it squares to itself). So an idempotent is:





ƒ²= ¼(1+e1)(1+e1) = ¼(1 + 2e1+ e1²) = ¼(2e1+ 2e1) =½(1+e1) = ƒ

so if we take ƒ as the first base, to get the other bases we take all combinations:

ƒ1 =ƒ=½(1+e1)

ƒ2 =e2ƒ = ½e2(1+e1) = ½(1- e1)e2

ƒ3 =ƒe2 = ½(1+e1) e2

ƒ4 =e2ƒe2 = ½ e2(1+e1) e2 = ½ (1-e1)


A ƒ =
a11ƒ a12ƒ
a21ƒ a22ƒ
a0 + a1 a2 + a3
a2 - a3 a0 - a1

Converting Instances

a11 a12
a21 a22
= m1
b11 b12
b21 b22
+ m2
c11 c12
c21 c22
+ m3
d11 d12
d21 d22
+ m4
e11 e12
e21 e22


a11 a12
a21 a22
m1 b11 + m2 c11 + m3 d11 + m4 e11 m1 b12 + m2 c12 + m3 d12 + m4 e12
m1 b21 + m2 c21 + m3 d21 + m4 e21 m1 b22 + m2 c22 + m3 d22 + m4 e22

m1 b11 + m2 c11 + m3 d11 + m4 e11
m1 b12 + m2 c12 + m3 d12 + m4 e12
m1 b21 + m2 c21 + m3 d21 + m4 e21
m1 b22 + m2 c22 + m3 d22 + m4 e22

b11 c11 d11 e11
b21 c21 d21 e21
b12 c12 d12 e12
b22 c22 d22 e22



Compute the inverse using the coefficients from the polynomial.


Pauli Matrix

For two dimensions the Pauli matricies would be:

b1 := matrix[[1,0],[0,-1]]
b2 := matrix[[0,1],[1,0]]

These square to 1:

(3) -> b1*b1

        +1  0+
   (3)  |    |
        +0  1+
                                                    Type: Matrix(Integer)
(4) -> b2*b2

        +1  0+
   (4)  |    |
        +0  1+
                                                    Type: Matrix(Integer) 

For three dimensions the Pauli matricies would be:

b1 := matrix[[1,0],[0,1]]                                             
b2 := matrix[[1,0],[0,-1]]                                            
b3 := matrix[[0,1],[1,0]]                                             
b4 := matrix[[0,%i],[-%i,0]]

Which square to one:

(5) -> b1*b1

        +1  0+
   (5)  |    |
        +0  1+
                                                    Type: Matrix(Integer)
(6) -> b2*b2

        +1  0+
   (6)  |    |
        +0  1+
                                                    Type: Matrix(Integer)
(7) -> b3*b3

        +1  0+
   (7)  |    |
        +0  1+
                                                    Type: Matrix(Integer)

(13) -> b4*b4

         +1  0+
   (13)  |    |
         +0  1+
                                            Type: Matrix(Complex(Integer))

Power Sets

A set S, the power set (or powerset) of S, written P(S) or 2S, is the set of all subsets of S, including the empty set and S itself.

(1) -> P :=PauliMatrix(2,Float,[matrix[[1,0],[0,-1]],matrix[[0,1],[1,0]]])

   (1)  PauliMatrix(2,Float,[MATRIX,MATRIX])
                                                               Type: Type
(2) -> localPowerSets(1)$P

   (2)  [[1],[]]
                                         Type: List(List(PositiveInteger))
(3) -> localPowerSets(2)$P

   (3)  [[2],[2,1],[1],[]]
                                         Type: List(List(PositiveInteger))
(4) -> localPowerSets(3)$P

   (4)  [[3],[3,1],[3,2,1],[3,2],[2],[2,1],[1],[]]
                                         Type: List(List(PositiveInteger))
(5) -> localPowerSets(4)$P

   [[4], [4,1], [4,2,1], [4,2], [4,3,2], [4,3,2,1], [4,3,1], [4,3], [3],
    [3,1],[3,2,1], [3,2], [2], [2,1], [1], []]
                                         Type: List(List(PositiveInteger))
(6) ->


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