Object Oriented Analysis and Design

  1. OOAD
    1. UML

Ideally an Object Oriented program should be designed from the beginning using Object Oriented principles. There are some design decisions, such as choosing what are objects, that are specific to object oriented programs.

There are a number of methodologies designed for object oriented analysis and design.

There is a standard set of diagram standards for OOAD, this is UML.

In Object Oriented Analysis and design we need to decide how the break up the problem domain, what are going to be the objects (classes and interfaces) and how they will interact. There are different approaches for how to go about this, for example decomposition and elaboration



Start with a complex system, then break it down

Starts with simple model then add complexity


Separates requirements from implementation details

Define the problem space without defining the solution


Uses Object oriented principles such as encapsulation

Start with process/workflow or Data flow diagrams (DFDs)

Start with use-case model then activity diagram


First define actors then define interfaces


metadata block
see also:


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