Maths - Exponent (Function) Types

A function type is sometimes called an exponent type. This is related to the way we usually use the term 'exponent' in algebra, for example in sets, the number of mappings from A to B is given by the number of elements in B to the power of the number of elements in A.


A->B or BA   The function type is denoted A->B or BA. The second tents to be used for exponents in category theory.
λ x . b(x)   A function ( x -> b(x)) can be notated using lambda symbol: λ x . b(x) using '.' to seperate input parameter from output.


The expression M in which every x is replaced by N

Function Type

ref ncatlab

In type theory a function type can be constructed from(deconstructed to) an expression. function diagram

This requires the concept of substitution.

Usually defined as a 'negative type', that is we define it by how it is used (applying a function).

We can think of the type A->B as either,

I find it easier to understand the introduction and elimination rules in terms of the second interpretation.

To introduce a term of type A->B we need a free variable in A and a term of type B containing x. lambda elimination


Types are defined by their formation, term introduction, term eliminator and computation rules:


Function Type

formation rule

Given any two types A and B we can form a function type A->B

right adjointA:Type   right adjointB:Type
right adjointA->B : Type

term introduction rule

assume a implies b

(given a proof of A we get a proof of B)

lambda abstraction:

Γ a:Aright adjointb:B   Γright adjointB:Type
Γright adjointλa.b : A -> B

term eliminator

Modus Ponens


Γright adjointA->B:Type   Γright adjointa:A
Γright adjointf(a) : B

computation rule

substitution - in this case of a for x.

( λ x . b(x)) (a) ->β b(a)

we reduce this by substitution.


Local completeness rule

eta reduction rule

M:A->B ->η λ x. M x

So function terms are introduced using the lambda abstraction. This is a binder which captures a variable (see lambda calculus page).

We eliminate a function term by applying it. In logic this is known as 'modus ponens' that is: given A and a function from A to B we can imply B.

So the term introduction rule binds a variable and the term eliminator removes that variable.

β-reduction and η-reduction

An element of A->B can be represented as λ a.Φ
λ a.Φ : A->B


The second form allows us to change the name of the variable by substitution.

Replaces a bound variable in a function body with a function argument - inlining.

(λ a.Φ) a = Φ
(λ a.Φ) x = [a/x]Φ
f = (λ x . f(x))

β Reduction

(λx.M) N
Function evaluation is called β-reduction. This is done by substitution.

β Equality

Two terms are β-equal is one β-reduces to the other one.

M =βN

if there are terms M0 to Mn such that M0=M, Mn=N and for all i such that 0 ≤i<n

either: Mi =βMi+1 or Mi+1 =βMi

β-Normal Form

Idris Examples

constructExp : Int -> String
constructExp = \ x => prim__toStrInt x
*typeTheory> constructExp
\x => prim__toStrInt x : Int -> String

applyFn : (t1 -> t2) -> t1 -> t2
applyFn f v = f v
*typeTheory> applyFn prim__toStrInt 3
"3" : String

Implemetations of Function Type


from : Idris-dev/libs/prelude/Prelude/Basics.idr

||| Function application.
apply : (a -> b) -> a -> b
apply f a = f a

We can implement in Idris like this:

We create anominous lambda like this and apply it like this.

Idris> \x => prim__toStrInt x
\x => prim__toStrInt x : Int -> String
Idris> (\x => prim__toStrInt x) 3
"3" : String


In logic this structure corresponds to 'implication'.

There is an interpretaion of type theory (known as Curry-Howard) that has the same structure as intuitional logic. In this interpretation an element (term) of a type is a proof of that type.

Implication is a bit like taking a whole rule, putting brackets round it and using it as a premise for another rule. implication

Implication and Modus Ponens

This is discussed further on the propositional logic page.

Introduction Elimination
  (modus ponens)
A A->B

Alternatively we can represent modus ponens using context (right adjoint) as follows:

Cright adjoint(B => D)
C /\ Bright adjointD


(see page here)

Here is a reminder of the notation:

lambda variable dot
λ x . 2*x+1

Note: although I have used an arithmetic expression above, λ-terms are usually defined in a more abstract way, in the extreme case every term is a function.

T ::= V | (T T) | (λV.T)


Next Steps

Other types are discussed on the following pages:


metadata block
see also:
Correspondence about this page

Book Shop - Further reading.

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them.

flag flag flag flag flag flag Computation and Reasoning - This book is about type theory. Although it is very technical it is aimed at computer scientists, so it has more discussion than a book aimed at pure mathematicians. It is especially useful for the coverage of dependant types.


Terminology and Notation

Specific to this page here:


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