Maths - Semantics

On this page we put type theory in a slightly more formal setting, however there are many flavors of type theory and notation is not fixed so this is still general enough to allow some variants.

Judgments and Propositions


"an object of knowledge"

A true  
A false  

A typing declaration is something of this form


  • t is a term.
  • T is the type.

due to Curry-Howard this could be either:

  • t is a proof of T
  • t is a program which has type T

Verificationistic Meaning Theory for Intuitionistic Logic

Discusses the 'meaning' of the constructs which comes from the introduction rules.


We have types and terms. A term may be either a value (a canonical term) or something that can be computed to a term.

Canonical form of function is a λ-expression.




'a' is type 'A' or 'a' computes to a value of type 'A'.
'a' is a proof of 'A'

To understand a judgment we need to know:

To understand a type we need to know:

To understand a term we need to know:

Gentzen Style Notation




Turnstyle Propositions    

In a type system these are type assumptions for the (free) term variables.

Separated by commas. All assumed to be true


each one is like a parameter to a 'constructor'.

For instance 'a' can be assigned type A using the type assumptions

down down down    
Γ,A:Type,B:Type right adjoint a:A b:B left


Γ,A/\B:Type right adjoint (a,b):A/\B left


All premises must hold for the conclusion to be drawn.

Terms also used:

antecedents A judgement on the left of theright adjointsymbol.
succedents or consequent A judgement on the right of theright adjointsymbol.

In the logic of conditionals this is called the antecedent


In the logic of conditionals this is called the consequent.

There are variations on this notation. The diagram on the right illustrates the notation in the 'Categories for Types', Roy L. Crole book.

In this notation the syntax (function signatures) is separated from the semantics.

type notation

Here is a version from the same book for equations.

Note here equations are not shown as types in a Curry-Howard way.

notation equation

Hypothetical Judgments

On the proof theory page about propositional logic (here) we have rules like the elimination rule for \/.

If A\/B then we can say that at least one of them is true. To codify this more formally we use assumptions:

A\/B [A]
The box, like this: [A]
means that [A] is an assumption.

That is, if we assume A is true then C is true. These assumptions are only temporary so we draw them in boxes to partition them off from the main sequence of logic.

So the elimination rule (\/E) says that if:

then C is true because we know that we can use one or both of these rules.

However, although this notation is a good way to get an intuitive understanding, the notation is a bit clumsy when part of a big proof or to use in a computer program. So in type theory, where we want to use computers, It is easier to use the concept of context.

We treat the hypotheses, or antecedents, of the judgment, J1, . . . ,Jk as temporary axioms.


(ref ncatlab) A context is a list of typing declarations, in which each term is a fresh variable (i.e. one not occurring to the left of its typing declaration).

So instead of this: [x:A]
we can use the top judgment here:
Γ,x:Aright adjointy:B
Γright adjoint(x->y) : A->B

which is also the same as the bottom judgment. The advantage of putting the assumption x:A in the context is that it can be 'in scope' over several stages of the proof/program.

So both xright adjointy and x->y have am implication of y being derived from x.


Identity Rule and Cut Rule

In some way these rules give some guiding principles,

Identity Rule

we can go from assumption to conclusion.

Γa:Aright adjointa:A

Cut Rule

This goes in the opposite direction.

This is a generalisation of 'modus ponens ' or 'implication elimination'. The cut-elimination theorem states that any judgement that possesses a proof making use of the cut rule also possesses a cut-free proof (we can inline the proof)

Sometimes the cut rule is a primitive built into the mechanism.

Γright adjointA   A,Δright adjointB
Γ,Δright adjointB

Structural rules

Structural rules define how variables can be substituted, reordered, and ignored in appropriate ways.



Weakening Rule

Hypotheses may be extended with additional members

Γright adjointa:A
Γ, b:Bright adjointa:A

Contraction Rule

Two equal (or unifiable) members on the same side of a sequent may be replaced by a single member.

Hypotheses contains two proofs of of A that is x:A y:A which we can replace with one proof z:A .

Also known as:

  • factoring in automated theorem proving systems using resolution.
  • 'idempotency of entailment' in classical logic.
Γ,x:A,y:Aright adjointb:B
Γ,z:Aright adjointb[z/x,z/y]:B

Exchange Rule

variables in the context can be reordered. (for dependent types B cannot depend on a.)

Γ,a:A,b:Bright adjointc:C
Γ,b:B,a:Aright adjointc:C

Substitution Rules

This rule shows how a variable can be removed using substitution.

(relationship to removing a variable by function application : lambda elimination)

rule remove dependancy
Here is the same rule for an equation. rule substitue equation

Rules in other Types

Information about type theories/logics which do not have some of these rules:

  exchange weakening contraction use
linear logic yes    


Girard's linear logic does not allow the copying and destruction of terms so they must be used once. However they are still transferable. (transferring a resource from one owner to another can be done even when the resource cannot be copied.)

affine logic yes yes   ≤1
relevent yes   yes ≥1
ordered       once in order


(see page here)

Here is a reminder of the notation:

lambda variable dot
λ x . 2*x+1

Note: although I have used an arithmetic expression above, λ-terms are usually defined in a more abstract way, in the extreme case every term is a function.

T ::= V | (T T) | (λV.T)




The expression M in which every x is replaced by N

β Reduction

(λx.M) N
Function evaluation is called β-reduction. This is done by substitution.

β Equality

Two terms are β-equal is one β-reduces to the other one.

M =βN

if there are terms M0 to Mn such that M0=M, Mn=N and for all i such that 0 ≤i<n

either: Mi =βMi+1 or Mi+1 =βMi

β-Normal Form


In type theory there are four classes of rules:

Rule Verificationist interpretation
formation rule  
term introduction rule (constructor) Gives the meaning of a connective.
term eliminator How to use knowledge.
computation rule

β-reduction - see below

introduction -> elimination = computed by substitution .

optional uniqueness principle η-reduction - see below

Term introduction and eliminator rule can be chained together in two ways:

β-reduction local soundness - should not gain any information tells us how to simplify a term that involves an eliminator applied to a constructor.
η-reduction local completeness tells us how to simplify a term that involves a constructor applied to an eliminator.

Constructor builds structure

May be multiple constructors, but only one of them is required to create a structure.


Destructor decompose structure

Often by pattern matching (case statement)


We are choosing between A and B, if we have a constructor followed by a distructor (Beta reduction) we can either make the choice at the constructor or the distructor stage.




Recursors can be used to make eliminators more generic, it implements pattern matching on possible values (case statement). For recursively defined types (such as natural numbers) it can be called recursively.

Recursors have the following form:

    type possible terms to return (may be more than one) value to find by matching possible terms
recT: Π (C -> T (... -> T) -> T)


  • T is the type of the recursor
  • U is the universal type

Recursors for different types:

type recursor formation and introduction
recA×B: Π (A -> B -> C) -> A×B ->C
recA×B(C,g,(a,b)) :=g(a)(b)


(just ignore argument of unit type)

rec1: Π C -> 1 ->C
rec1(C,c,*) :=c
recA+B: Π (A -> C) -> (B -> C) -> A+B ->C
recA+B(C,g0,g1,inl(a)) :=g0(a)
recA+B(C,g0,g1,inl(a)) :=g1(a)

empty (bottom)

no constructor

rec0: Π 0 ->C


rec2: Π C -> C -> 2 ->C
rec2(C,c0,c1,02) :=c0
rec2(C,c0,c1,12) :=c1
natural numbers
recN: Π C -> (N -> C -> C) -> N ->C
recN(C,c0,cs,0) :=c0(a)
recN(C,c0,cs,succ(n)) :=cs(n,recN(C,c0,cs,n))

Positive and Negative types


positive type - characterised by introduction rules (inductive type in coq).

negative type - characterised by elimination rules (example function type, dependent product).


Conjunction and Disjunction called connectives.

Sum Type


I think the + in A+B is thought of as an infix operator , we could write it as a prefix +(A,B) which makes it clearer that it is a type that depends on other types.

The usual axioms of products don't necessarily hold exactly, however they may hold upto isomorphism (or upto beta equality), that is, both sides of the equation contain the same information.

Type Term notes
A+B ≠ B+A inl(a) =? inr(a)  
(A+B)+C ≠A+(B+C)    
A+0 ≠A   0 can't be constructed so we are left with A=A

Sum Type

formation rule

right adjointA:Type   right adjointB:Type
right adjointA+B : Type
term introduction rule
Γright adjointa:A   Γright adjointb:B
Γright adjointinl(a): A+B   Γright adjointinr(b): A+B

term eliminator rule

assume: a implies c
and b implies c

Γright adjointp:A+B   Γ a:Aright adjointcA :C   Γ b:Bright adjointcB :C
Γright adjointmatch(p, a.cA b.cB):C

computation rule

beta reduction

match(inl(a), x.cA y.cB) =>β cA[a/x]
match(inr(b), x.cA y.cB) =>β cB[b/x]

Local completeness rule  

Implemetations of Sum


we could define a sum type like this:

data Or : Type -> Type -> Type where
   OrIntroLeft : a -> A a b
   OrIntroRight : b -> A a b

also there is a built in type 'Either':

from : Idris-dev/libs/prelude/Prelude/Either.idr

||| A sum type
data Either : (a, b : Type) -> Type where
  ||| One possibility of the sum, 
  ||| conventionally used to represent errors
  Left : (l : a) -> Either a b
  ||| The other possibility, conventionally
  ||| used to represent success
  Right : (r : b) -> Either a b

-- Usage hints for erasure analysis
%used Left l
%used Right r

-- Syntactic tests

||| True if the argument is Left, False otherwise
isLeft : Either a b -> Bool
isLeft (Left l)  = True
isLeft (Right r) = False

||| True if the argument is Right, False otherwise
isRight : Either a b -> Bool
isRight (Left l)  = False
isRight (Right r) = True

-- Misc.

||| Simply-typed eliminator for Either
||| @ f the action to take on Left
||| @ g the action to take on Right
||| @ e the sum to analyze
either : (f : Lazy (a -> c)) ->
           (g : Lazy (b -> c)) ->
           (e : Either a b) -> c
either l r (Left x)  = (Force l) x
either l r (Right x) = (Force r) x


from : coq/theories/Init/Datatypes.v

(** [sum A B], written [A + B], is
     the disjoint sum of [A] and [B] *)

Inductive sum (A B:Type) : Type :=
  | inl : A -> sum A B
  | inr : B -> sum A B.

Notation "x + y" := (sum x y) : type_scope.

Arguments inl {A B} _ , [A] B _.
Arguments inr {A B} _ , A [B] _.

Product Type


I think the * in A*B is thought of as an infix operator , we could write it as a prefix *(A,B) which makes it clearer that it is a type that depends on other types. These types are availible in the eliminator to be used as the types of the projections.

Terms of the product type are tuples or pairs, denoted (a,b).

The usual axioms of products don't necessarily hold exactly, however they may hold upto isomorphism (or upto beta equality), that is, both sides of the equation contain the same information.

Type Term notes
A×B ≠ B×A (a,b) =β (b,a)  
(A×B)×C ≠A×(B×C) ((a,b),c) =β (a,(b,c))  
A×1 ≠A (a,()) =β (a)  

Product Type

formation rule

So the A×B type 'remembers' its formed from an A type and a B type?

right adjointA:Type   right adjointB:Type
right adjointA×B : Type

term introduction rule

(a,b) is a tuple

Γright adjointa:A   Γ b:B
Γright adjoint(a,b) : A×B

term eliminator

Two projections fst (first) and snd (second) sometimes called p1 and p2

Γright adjointt:A×B   Γright adjointt:A×B
Γright adjointfst(t): A   Γright adjointsnd(t): B
computation rule, beta reduction fst(a,b) =>β a
snd(a,b) =>β b

Local completeness rule

eta reduction rule

Ensures elimination rule not too weak (information not lost)

t:A×B =>η (fst t,snd t)

Implemetations of Product


We can have a type which corresponds to conjunction:

data And : Type -> Type -> Type where
   AndIntro : a -> b -> A a b

There is a built in type called 'Pair'.

from : Idris-dev/libs/prelude/Builtins.idr

  ||| The non-dependent pair type, also known as conjunction.
  ||| @A the type of the left elements in the pair
  ||| @B the type of the right elements in the pair
  data Pair : (A : Type) -> (B : Type) -> Type where
     ||| A pair of elements
     ||| @a the left element of the pair
     ||| @b the right element of the pair
MkPair : {A, B : Type} -> (1 a : A) -> (1 b : B) -> Pair A B
from : Idris-dev/libs/prelude/Prelude/Basics.idr
||| Return the first element of a pair.
fst : (a, b) -> a
fst (x, y) = x

||| Return the second element of a pair.
snd : (a, b) -> b
snd (x, y) = y


from : coq/theories/Init/Datatypes.v

(** [prod A B], written [A * B], is the product of [A] and [B];
    the pair [pair A B a b] of [a] and [b]
    is abbreviated [(a,b)] *)

Inductive prod (A B:Type) : Type :=
  pair : A -> B -> A * B

where "x * y" := (prod x y) : type_scope.

Add Printing Let prod.

Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" :=
            (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) : core_scope.

Arguments pair {A B} _ _.

Register prod as
Register pair as
Register prod_rect as

Section projections.
  Context {A : Type} {B : Type}.

  Definition fst (p:A * B) := match p with (x, y) => x end.
  Definition snd (p:A * B) := match p with (x, y) => y end.

  Register fst as
  Register snd as
End projections.

Function Type


In logic called 'implication'.

This requires the concept of substitution.

Usually defined as a 'negative type', that is we define it by how it is used (applying a function).

We can think of the type A->B as either,

I find it easier to understand the introduction and elimination rules in terms of the second interpretation.

Implication is a bit like taking a whole rule, putting brackets round it and using it as a premise for another rule. implication

Notation: a function ( x |-> b(x)) can be notated using lambda symbol: λ x . b(x) using '.' to seperate input parameter from output.


Function Type

formation rule

right adjointA:Type   right adjointB:Type
right adjointA->B : Type

term introduction rule

assume a implies b

(given a proof of A we get a proof of B)

lambda abstraction:

Γ a:Aright adjointb:B   Γright adjointB:Type
Γright adjointλa.b : A -> B

term eliminator

Modus Ponens


Γright adjointA->B:Type   Γright adjointa:A
Γright adjointf(a) : B

computation rule

substitution - in this case of a for x.

( λ x . b(x)) (a) =>β b(a)

we reduce this by substitution.


Local completeness rule

eta reduction rule

M:A->B =>η λ x. M x
To introduce a term of type A->B we need a free variable in A and a term of type B containing x. lambda elimination

Implemetations of Function Type


from : Idris-dev/libs/prelude/Prelude/Basics.idr

||| Function application.
apply : (a -> b) -> a -> b
apply f a = f a

Other Types

Empty Type


Denoted 'empty' or 0 or bottom or _|_ .

We cannot introduce a term. If we do have a term then we can prove any other type. So we have no arrows in but we have arrows going out to every other type. bottom

as a negative type:


Empty Type

formation rule

It exists


term introduction rule

There is no introduction rule
term eliminator
Γright adjointp:Ø   Γright adjointC:Type
Γright adjointabort(p):C
computation rule There is no computation rule

Local completeness rule


Implemetations of Empty


from : Idris-dev/libs/prelude/Builtins.idr

||| The empty type, also known as the trivially false proposition.
||| Use `void` or `absurd` to prove anything if
||| you have a variable of type `Void` in scope.
data Void : Type where

||| The eliminator for the `Void` type.
void : Void -> a


from : coq/theories/Init/Datatypes.v

(** [Empty_set] is a datatype with no inhabitant *)

Inductive Empty_set : Set :=.

Unit Type

ref1 ref2

Denoted 'unit' or 1 or top or T .

Unit is always true, we can introduce a term without any additional information.

There is a sense that this is the inverse of the empty type:

  • empty type can not be introduced
  • unit type can always by introduced

The term of the unit type is thought of as the null tuple (). This is because of the way that it works with the product type:

(x,()) =β (x)

In computing this equality does not hold exactly, however it is true upto isomorphism (or upto beta equality), that is, both sides of the equation contain the same information.

Can we use unit type to build enumeration types? Example 2=1+1. That would be more like a tuple with one element? unit(C)? which does not seem to be what we have here?

In the propositions-as-types approach the unit type corresponds to 'mere' propositions are the propositions in classical logic. This allows us to use the law of excluded middle when appropriate (for set-like structures).

The 'unit' type, in homotopy collapses to a point so, in that way, it is the most fundamental type.


Unit Type

formation rule

Unit type exists and does not depend on anything.

right adjointunit :Type

term introduction rule

Unit is always true, we can introduce a term without any additional information.

right adjointtt :unit

term eliminator

p:unit /\ c = c

If we know how to produce a C using all the possible inputs that can go into a unit, then we can produce a C from any unit.

Γright adjoint():unit   Γright adjointC:Type   Γright adjointc:C
Γright adjointtriv((),c):C

computation rule

When we evaluate the eliminator on a term of canonical form, we obtain the data that went into the eliminator associated with that form

Γright adjointC:Type   Γright adjointc:C
Γright adjointtriv((),c)->β c

Local completeness rule


Implemetations of Unit


from : Idris-dev/libs/prelude/Builtins.idr

||| The canonical single-element type, also known as the trivially
||| true proposition.
data Unit =
  ||| The trivial constructor for `()`.


from : coq/theories/Init/Datatypes.v

(** [unit] is a singleton datatype with sole inhabitant [tt] *)

Inductive unit : Set :=
tt : unit.

Identity Type



Identity Type

formation rule

Id exists for every pair of terms in A

right adjointA:Type
Γ, x:A, y:Aright adjointIdA(x,y) : Type

term introduction rule


Γright adjointA:Type
Γ , a:Aright adjointrefl(a) : IdA(a,a)
term eliminator  
computation rule  

Local completeness rule


Implemetations of Identity Type


from : Idris-dev/libs/prelude/Prelude/Basics.idr

||| Identity function.
id : a -> a
id x = x


from : coq/theories/Init/Datatypes.v

(** [identity A a] is the family of
    datatypes on [A] whose sole non-empty
    member is the singleton datatype [identity A a a] whose
    sole inhabitant is denoted [identity_refl A a] *)

Inductive identity (A:Type) (a:A) : A -> Type :=
  identity_refl : identity a a.
Hint Resolve identity_refl: core.

Arguments identity_ind [A] a P f y i.
Arguments identity_rec [A] a P f y i.
Arguments identity_rect [A] a P f y i.

Register identity as core.identity.type.
Register identity_refl as core.identity.refl.
Register identity_ind as core.identity.ind.

(** Identity type *)

Definition ID := forall A:Type, A -> A.
Definition id : ID := fun A x => x.

Definition IDProp := forall A:Prop, A -> A.
Definition idProp : IDProp := fun A x => x.


We can use sum to get boolean from two units (1+1=2)


Boolean Type

formation rule

dont really need to have two copies of Unit, just making the point this is a sum.

right adjointUnit:Type   right adjointUnit:Type
right adjointBoolean : Type
term introduction rule
Γright adjointa:Unit   Γright adjointb:Unit
Γright adjointinl(a): Boolean   Γright adjointinr(b): Boolean

term eliminator

assume: a implies c
and b implies c

Γright adjointp:Boolean   Γ a:Unitright adjointcA :C   Γ b:Unitright adjointcB :C
Γright adjointmatch(p, a.cA b.cB):C
computation rule

beta reduction

match(inl(a), x.cA y.cB) ->β cA[a/x]

match(inr(b), x.cA y.cB) ->β cB[b/x]

Local completeness rule


We can then add negation

Negation Rule

formation rule


term introduction rule

Pright adjoint_|_
right adjoint¬P
term eliminator  
computation rule  

Local completeness rule


Bottom Rule

formation rule


term introduction rule

right adjointP ¬P
right adjoint_|_
term eliminator  
computation rule  

Local completeness rule


Enumeration Type


An enumerated type is any type given by a finite disjoint sum of unit types.

Can be thought of as a sum (1+1...) or as a degenerate form of an inductive type.


Inductive Types

Natural Number Type

I have put more information about natural number types on page here.


Natural Number Type

formation rule

N exists

right adjointN : Type

term introduction rules


    Γright adjointn:N
Γright adjoint0:N   Γright adjoints(n)

term eliminator

Proof by induction

To prove property P (implemented as a type) we need to proove P(0) and P(x) implies P(sx)

rec is recursor (see recursor section above) where:

rec nat z0 zs O = z0
rec nat z0 zs( S n) = zs (n ,(rec nat z0 zs, n))


  • z0 is the value returned for zero.
  • zs is the value returned for succesor.
x:Nright adjointP(x):Type   right adjointp0:P(0)   x:N,p:P(x)right adjointps(x,p):P(sx)   right adjointn:N
right adjointrecpn(
computation rules
x:Nright adjointP(x):Type   right adjointp0:P(0)   x:N,p:P(x)right adjointps(x,p):P(sx)
right adjointrecp0(
x:Nright adjointP(x):Type   right adjointp0:P(0)   x:N,p:P(x)right adjointps(x,p):P(sx)   right adjointn:N
right adjointrecpsn(

Tree Type


Tree Type

formation rule

right adjointN : Tree

term introduction rules


    Γright adjointM:Tree   Γright adjointN:Tree
Γright adjointempty:Tree   Γright adjointnode(M,N):Tree

term eliminator

x:Nright adjointP(x):Type   right adjointp0:P(0)   x:N,p:P(x)right adjointps(x,p):P(sx)   right adjointn:N
right adjointrecpn(
computation rules
x:Nright adjointP(x):Type   right adjointp0:P(0)   x:N,p:P(x)right adjointps(x,p):P(sx)
right adjointrecp0(
x:Nright adjointP(x):Type   right adjointp0:P(0)   x:N,p:P(x)right adjointps(x,p):P(sx)   right adjointn:N
right adjointrecpsn(


(See Youtube - Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2012, University of Oregon part 2)

A bit like an introduction rule or like 'return' in monad.

Γright adjointM : A true
Γright adjointM : A lax
  • E is a proof/computation that might not terminate.
  • in the context that 'x is a proof that A is true' then 'F is a proof that C is lax'

A bit like a substitution rule or like 'bind' in monad.

Γright adjointE:A lax   Γ x:A trueright adjointF:C lax
Γright adjoint<E / x> F : C lax

metadata block
see also:

Correspondence about this page

Book Shop - Further reading.

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them.

flag flag flag flag flag flag Computation and Reasoning - This book is about type theory. Although it is very technical it is aimed at computer scientists, so it has more discussion than a book aimed at pure mathematicians. It is especially useful for the coverage of dependant types.


Terminology and Notation

Specific to this page here:


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