Physics - Forward Kinematics (FK)

Forward Kinematics applies to a chain of jointed objects. Given the angles of the joints, and the distances between them, we want to find the the position of the end point.

Data Structure (using matrix)

If we have the following transforms:

Then the position of the calculated end point in world coordinates is given by multiplying the matrices together:


Data Structure (not using matrix)

We can store the relative positions and orientations of the links in a scenegraph.

We can combine translation and rotation without using matrices as described on this page.

Therefore the parameters for all 3 links gives:

For a more detailed suggestion of how to store this information see these pages.

n-link algorithm

So what is the code or algorithm for calculating the endpoint in an n-link chain:

Can you help me here?

metadata block
see also:


Correspondence about this page Open Forum discussion - Joint Constraints

Book Shop - Further reading.

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them.

cover us uk de jp fr ca Quaternions and Rotation Sequences.


Commercial Software Shop

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for commercial software, not directly related to the software project, but related to the subject being discussed, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the software or to buy it from them.


cover Dark Basic Professional Edition - It is better to get this professional edition

cover This is a version of basic designed for building games, for example to rotate a cube you might do the following:
make object cube 1,100
for x=1 to 360
rotate object 1,x,x,0
next x

cover Game Programming with Darkbasic - book for above software

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