Maths - Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of 2×2 Matrix

The method for symbolic computation of eigenvectors and eigenvalues involves first finding the eigenvalues from the characteristic polynomial:

det(M - λ I) = 0

where, in this case for two dimensional matrix M =

m00 m01
m10 m11

which gives the characteristic equation:

(m00 - λ)(m11 - λ) - m01 m10 = 0

expanding out gives:

λ² - (m00 + m11)λ + (m00 m11 - m01 m10) = 0


solving the quadratic equation gives:

λ = (m00 + m11)/2 ± (√(4*m01*m10 + (m00 - m11)²))/2

We can then substitute these into

m00 - λ m01
m10 m11 - λ

which is equivalent to solving 2 simultaneous equations.

Special Cases

If the matrix is symmetrical around the leading diagonal:



λ = (m00 + m11)/2 ± (√(2*m01)² + (m00 - m11)²))/2


Here is a Java function to return the eigenvalues:

code to return eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix
result we be returned in resultReal[0],resultImaginary[0],resultReal[1] and resultImaginary[1]
expects arrays to be setup before being called, like this:
double[] resultReal= new double[2];
double[] resultImaginary = new double[2];
public void eigenValue(double[][] m, double[] resultReal , double[] resultImaginary) {
  quadratic(1.0,m[0][0] + m[1][1],m[0][0]*m[1][1] - m[0][1]*m[1][0],resultReal,resultImaginary);
    // the quadratic function is defined on this page:

Example - 2D Rotation Matrix

A 2D rotation matrix can be written:

cos(θ) -sin(θ)
sin(θ) cos(θ)

As descrtibed on this page.

So we can work out the eigen values as follows:

λ = (m00 + m11)/2 ± (√(4*m01*m10 + (m00 - m11)²))/2

λ = (cos(θ) + cos(θ))/2 ± (√(-4*sin(θ)*sin(θ) + (cos(θ) - cos(θ))²))/2

λ = cos(θ) ± (√(-4*sin(θ)*sin(θ)))/2

λ = cos(θ) ± i sin(θ) = e±iθ

substitute these into [M] {v} = λ {v}

cos(θ) - λ -sin(θ)
sin(θ) cos(θ) - λ

let λ = cos(θ) + i sin(θ) gives:

- i sin(θ) -sin(θ)
sin(θ) - i sin(θ)




There are a number of open source programs that can calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors. I have used Axiom, how to install Axiom here.

To get a numeric solution for a given matrix, we can use eigenvalues(m) and eigenvectors(m) as shown here:

I have put user input in red:

(1) -> m := matrix[[1,4],[2,5]]

+1 4+
(1) | |
+2 5+
Type: Matrix Integer
(2) -> ev := eigenvalues(m)
(2) [%A | %A - 6%A - 3]
Type: List Union(Fraction Polynomial Integer,SuchThat(Symbol, Polynomial Integer))
(3) -> eigenvectors(m)
                                                           +%B - 5+
2 |------|
(3) [[eigval= (%B | %B - 6%B - 3),eigmult= 1,eigvec= [| 2 |]]]
| |
+ 1 +
Type: List Record(eigval: Union(Fraction Polynomial Integer,SuchThat(Symbol, Polynomial Integer)),eigmult: NonNegativeInteger,eigvec: List Matrix Fraction Polynomial Integer)
(4) ->

Or we can find a general formula for a given matrix as shown here:

(1) -> msymb := matrix[[a,b],[c,d]] 
        +a  b+
(1) | |
+c d+
Type: Matrix Polynomial Integer
(2) ->
(2) -> evsymb := eigenvalues(msymb)

(2) [%A | (a - %A)d - b c - %A a + %A ]
Type: List Union(Fraction Polynomial Integer, SuchThat(Symbol,Polynomial Integer))
(3) -> eigenvectors(msymb)
[eigval= (%B | (a - %B)d - b c - %B a + %B ), eigmult= 1,
+- d + %B+
eigvec= [| c |]]
| |
+ 1 +
Type: List Record(eigval: Union(Fraction Polynomial Integer, SuchThat(Symbol,Polynomial Integer)),eigmult: NonNegativeInteger,eigvec: List Matrix Fraction Polynomial Integer)
(4) ->


metadata block
see also:


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cover Mathematics for 3D game Programming - Includes introduction to Vectors, Matrices, Transforms and Trigonometry. (But no euler angles or quaternions). Also includes ray tracing and some linear & rotational physics also collision detection (but not collision response).

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