
Isabelle is a generic proof assistant

Implementation of Formal Logic on a Computer

The degree to which proofs can be automated depends on the type of logic.

Logic Type Theoretical Automation
Propositional logic Fully Automated
First-order logic Automatic but not necessarily terminating
Higer-order logic Some automation but mainly interactive


Goto the Isabelle website and click on the download button. I downloaded into a directory called 'isabelle' then from the command line I typed: isabelle
martin@linux-gye4:~> cd isabelle
martin@linux-gye4:~/isabelle> tar -xzf Isabelle2013_linux.tar.gz
martin@linux-gye4:~/isabelle> Isabelle2013/Isabelle
When running for the first time a builder program is run to build the theories. isabelle
When ready the jEdit program starts up. isabelle


I ran Isabelle and typed in the following program from the manual:

isabelle run

Clicking on the 'output' tab at the bottom and clicking on the appropriate value line gives the results.


metadata block
see also:


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