Eclipse OSGi

OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) is a dynamic module system for java. It defines a component and service model where the components and services can be dynamically (de-)activated, updated and so on.


OSGi and Dependancy Injection

OSGi does dependancy management between bundles. When a bundle is activated it loads all dependant bundles.

Bundle Status

RESOLVED All required dependancies in the bundle are resolved
INSTALLED not resolved
STARTING bundle is started
ACTIVE bundle is active

Extension Points

Eclipse Equinox extends the concept of bundles with the concept of extension points.

Eclipse OSGi Console

To access the Eclipse OSGi console:

In the console view window click on the small down arrow next to the 'Open Console' icon and click on 'Host OSGi console'

osgi> status
"Framework is launched."

id	"Bundle Location"
"State Bundle File Name"
0	System Bundle
  ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.10.0.v20140606-1445 [0]
1	initial@reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state_1.0.0.v20140403-1907.jar
  RESOLVED    org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state_1.0.0.v20140403-1907 [1]
37	reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.ant.core_3.3.0.v20140518-0042.jar
  STARTING    org.eclipse.ant.core_3.3.0.v20140518-0042 [37]
209	reference:file:plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.annotation_2.0.0.v20140415-1436.jar
  INSTALLED   org.eclipse.jdt.annotation_2.0.0.v20140415-1436 [209]
"Registered Services"
              - Equinox,,
                       service.bundleid=0, service.scope=bundle}
              - Equinox,,
                       service.bundleid=0, service.scope=singleton}


metadata block
see also:
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Copyright (c) 1998-2023 Martin John Baker - All rights reserved - privacy policy.