Maths - Cubic Functions

A cubic function has an x3 term, its general form is:

a x3 + b x2 + c x + d = 0

The three solutions are:

root1 = -a/3 + ((-2a3 + 9ab - 27c + sqrt((2a3 -9ab +27c)2 + 4(-a2 + 3b)3))/54)1/3 + ((-2a3 + 9ab - 27c - √((2a3 -9ab +27c)2 + 4(-a2 + 3b)3))/54)1/3

root2 = -a/3 - (1 + i sqrt(3))*0.5*((-2a3 + 9ab - 27c + sqrt((2a3 -9ab +27c)2 + 4(-a2 + 3b)3))/54)1/3 + (-1 + i sqrt(3))*0.5*((-2a3 + 9ab - 27c - sqrt((2a3 -9ab +27c)2 + 4(-a2 + 3b)3))/54)1/3

root3 = -a/3 + ((-2a3 + 9ab - 27c + sqrt((2a3 -9ab +27c)2 + 4(-a2 + 3b)3))/54)1/3 + ((-2a3 + 9ab - 27c - √((2a3 -9ab +27c)2 + 4(-a2 + 3b)3))/54)1/3

Methods of solution

  1. by factors
  2. by completing the cobe
  3. by formulae
  4. by graph

Sum and difference of two cubes

(a + b)(a2 - ab + b2)

= a (a2 - ab + b2) + b (a2 - ab + b2)

= a3 - a2b + ab2 + ba2 - ab2 + b3

= a3 + b3


(a - b)(a2 + ab + b2) = a3 - b3

Using Symmetry

Instead of using the equation:

a x3 + b x2 + c x + d = 0

= 0

we can use the equation:

(x - x1)*(a' x2 + b' x + c') = 0

where x is our variable and x1, a', b' and c' are constants.

which has solutions at:

x = x1 and quadratic formula

In other words, can we use this to reduce the cubic to a quadratic in this way? First we have to multiply out the terms to see if its a general cubic:

(x - x1)*(a' x2 + b' x + c') = (a' x3 + b' x2 + c' x ) - x1*a' x2 - x1* b' x - x1* c')

= a' x3 + (b' - x1*a')x2 + (c' - x1* b') x - x1* c')


So, puting this in terms of the original equation,


c'2 - c*c' + d*(b - d*a) = 0

c' = (c± √(c2 - 4*d*(b - d*a)))/2

substituting in above gives:


There are a number of open source programs that can solve polynomial equations. I have used Axiom, how to install Axiom here.

To get a numeric solution for a given equation we can use complexSolve as shown here:

complexSolve(2*x^3+3*x^2+4*x+5 = 0,1.e-10)

I have put user input in red:

(1) -> complexSolve(2*x^3+3*x^2+4*x+5 = 0,1.e-10)

[x= - 1.3711343313 043471426,
x= - 0.0644328344 2475804354 9 - 1.3487610119 336750358 %i,
x= - 0.0644328344 2475804354 9 + 1.3487610119 336750358 %i]
Type: List Equation Polynomial Complex Float
(2) ->

Or we can find a formula for, say, a quadratic equation using radicalSolve as shown here (unfortunately attempts to display large equations using fixed spacing do not really work so I have swiched the ouptut to LaTeX but its still too big):

(3) -> )set output latex on

(3) -> radicalSolve(a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0,x)
cubic formula


Here is a Java function to return the cubic roots

This is incomplete and does not handle roots of -ve, let me know if you can help

code to solve cubic equation ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d =0
result we be returned in resultReal[0],resultImaginary[0]
to resultReal[2] and resultImaginary[2]
expects arrays to be setup before being called, like this:
double[] resultReal= new double[3];
double[] resultImaginary = new double[3];
public void cubic(double a, double b, double c, double d,
     double[] resultReal , double[] resultImaginary) {
  if (Math.abs(a) < 0.000001) { // if a=0 equation is quadratic
    // handle seperately to avoid divide by zero
	// the quadratic function is defined on this page:
  // recuring terms
  double t1=(2*a*a*a -9*a*b +27*c);
  double t2=(-a*a + 3*b);
  double t3= t1*t1 + 4*t2*t2*t2;
  if (t3<0) handle complex roots;
  double t4=((-t1 + sqrt(t3))/54);
  double t41=((-t1 - sqrt(t3))/54);
  double t5=(-a*a + 3b);
  double t6=sqrt(t1*t1 + 4*t5*t5*t5);
  double t7=((-t1 - t6)/54);
  resultReal[0] = -a/3 + Math.pow(t4,1/3) + Math.pow(t7,1/3);
  resultReal[1] = -a/3 - 0.5*Math.pow(t4,1/3)+  -0.5*Math.pow(t4,1/3);
  resultReal[2] = -a/3 + Math.pow(t4,1/3) + Math.pow(t41,1/3)
  resultImaginary[0] = 0;
  resultImaginary[1] = sqrt(t3)*0.5*Math.pow(t4,1/3)+ sqrt(t3)*0.5*Math.pow(t4,1/3);
  resultImaginary[2] = 0;

metadata block
see also:


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cover Mathematics for 3D game Programming - Includes introduction to Vectors, Matrices, Transforms and Trigonometry. (But no euler angles or quaternions). Also includes ray tracing and some linear & rotational physics also collision detection (but not collision response).

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