Music - MPU 401 information

MPU 401 commands:

called using routine



#define UART 0x3F /* MPU-401 command to UART mode */

#define SYSRESET 0xFF /* reset command for MPU-401 */


254 = ACK

-1 = MPU401 not responding


/* mpu401.h header file */

/* mpu-401 command and message summary */

/* mpu marks */

#define NOP 0xf8 /* no operation */

#define MES_END 0xf9 /* measure end */

#define DATA_END 0xfc /* end data */

/* mpu messages */

#define REQ_T1 0xf0 /* track data request track 1 */

#define REQ_T2 0xf1

#define REQ_T3 0xf2

#define REQ_T4 0xf3

#define REQ_T5 0xf4

#define REQ_T6 0xf5

#define REQ_T7 0xf6

#define REQ_T8 0xf7 /* track data request track 8 */

#define TIME_OUT 0xf8 /* timing overflow */

#define CONDUCT 0xf9 /* conductor data request */

#define ALL_END 0xfc /* all end */

#define CLOCK_OUT 0xfd /* clock to host */

#define ACK 0xfe /* acknowledge */

#define SYS_MES 0xff /* system message */

/* mpu commands */

/* full control summary is given below, but only most common are defined */

/* command midi play record comment */


00 - - - not used

01 stop

02 start

03 continue

04 - stop

05 stop stop stop play

06 start stop

07 cont. stop

08 - start

09 stop start

0a start start start play

0b cont. start continue play

0c-0f not used

10 - - stop

11 stop - stop stop record

12 start - stop

13 cont. - stop

14 - stop stop

15 stop stop stop stop over-dub

16 start stop stop

17 cont. stop stop

18 - start stop

19 stop start stop

1a start start stop

1b cont. start stop

1c-1f not used

20 - - standby record standby

21 stop - standby

22 start - start start record

23 cont. - start continue record

24 - stop standby

25 stop stop standby

26 start stop start

27 cont. stop start

28 - start standby

29 stop start standby

2a start start start start over-dub

2b cont. start start start over-dub

2c-2f not used


#define STOP_PLAY 0x05

#define START_PLAY 0x0a

#define STOP_REC 0x11

#define START_REC 0x22

#define STOP_OVDUB 0x15

#define START_OVDUB 0x2A

#define N0_ALL_OFF 0x30 /* all notes off */

#define NO_RTIME 0x32 /* no real time */

#define THRU_OFF_CHAN 0x33 /* thru : off on channels */

#define WITH_TIME 0x34 /* with timing byte : on */

#define MODE_THRU 0x35 /* mode mes : on */

#define EXCL_THRU 0x36 /* exclusive thru : on */

#define COM_THRU 0x38 /* common to host : on */

#define REAL_THRU 0x39 /* real time to host : on */

#define UART 0x3f /* uart mode */

/* channel reference table numbers are normally computed */


40 - 4f sets channel reference table a

50 - 5f b

60 - 6f c

70 - 7f d


#define INT_CLOCK 0x80 /* internal clock */

#define FSK_CLOCK 0x81 /* fsk clock */

#define MIDI_CLOCK 0x82 /* midi clock */

#define MET_ON_WOUT 0x83 /* metronome : on - w/o accents */

#define MET_OFF 0x84 /* metronome : off */

#define MET_ON_WITH 0x85 /* metronome : on - with accents */

#define BEND_OFF 0x86 /* bender : off */

#define BEND_ON 0x87 /* bender : on */

#define THRU_OFF 0x88 /* midi thru : off */

#define THRU_ON 0x89 /* midi thru : on */

#define DSTOP_OFF 0x8a /* data in stop mode : off */

#define DSTOP_ON 0x8b /* data in stop mode : on */

#define MEAS_OFF 0x8c /* send measure end : off */

#define MEAS_ON 0x8d /* send measure end : on */

#define COND_OFF 0x8e /* conductor : off */

#define COND_ON 0x8f /* conductor : on */

#define REAL_OFF 0x90 /* real time affecton : off */

#define REAL_ON 0x91 /* real time affection : on */

#define FSK_INT 0x92 /* fsk to internal */

#define FSK_MIDI 0x93 /* fsk to midi */

#define CLOCK_OFF 0x94 /* clock to host : off */

#define CLOCK_ON 0x95 /* clock to host : on */

#define EXCL_OFF 0x96 /* exclusive to host : off */

#define EXCL_ON 0x97 /* exclusive to host : on */

#define CHANA_OFF 0x98 /* reference table a : off */

#define CHANA_ON 0x99 /* a : on */

#define CHANB_OFF 0x9a /* b : off */

#define CHANB_ON 0x9b /* b : on */

#define CHANC_OFF 0x9c /* c : off */

#define CHANC_ON 0x9d /* c : on */

#define CHAND_OFF 0x9e /* d : off */

#define CHAND_ON 0x9f /* d : on */

/* reading data */

#define REQ_CNT0 0xa0 /* request play counter of track 1 */

#define REQ_CNT1 0xa1

#define REQ_CNT2 0xa2

#define REQ_CNT3 0xa3

#define REQ_CNT4 0xa4

#define REQ_CNT5 0xa5

#define REQ_CNT6 0xa6

#define REQ_CNT7 0xa7

#define REQ_REC_CNT 0xab /* request record counter */

#define REQ_VER 0xac /* request version */

#define REQ_REV 0xad /* request revision */

#define REQ_TEMPO 0xaf /* request tempo */

#define RES_RTEMPO 0xb1 /* resets relative tempo */

#define CLEAR_PCOUNT 0xb8 /* clear play counters */

#define CLEAR_PMAP 0xb9 /* clear play map - all notes off */

#define CLEAR_REC 0xba /* clear record counter */

#define TB_48 0xc2 /* 48 timebase */

#define TB_72 0xc3

#define TB_96 0xc4

#define TB_120 0xc5

#define TB_144 0xc6

#define TB_168 0xc7

#define TB_192 0xc8

#define WSD0 0xd0 /* want to send data on track 1 */

#define WSD1 0xd1

#define WSD2 0xd2

#define WSD3 0xd3

#define WSD4 0xd4

#define WSD5 0xd0

#define WSD6 0xd6

#define WSD7 0xd7

#define WS_SYS 0xdf /* want to send system message */

/* set conditions and values (follow by 1 byte data) */

#define SET_TEMPO 0xe0 /* set tempo */

#define SET_RTEMPO 0xe1 /* relative tempo */

#define SET_GRAD 0xe2 /* graduation */

#define MIDI_METRO 0xe4 /* midi clocks per metronome beep */

#define METRO_MEAS 0xe6 /* metro/meas */

#define INT_HOST 0xe7 /* int * 4 / clock to host */

#define ACT_TRACK 0xec /* active tracks on/off */

#define SEND_PCOUNT 0xed /* send play counter on/off */

#define CHAN_ON1 0xee /* acceptable channels 1 - 8 on/off */

#define CHAN_ON2 0xef /* acceptable channels 9 - 16 on/off */

#define RESET 0xff


metadata block
see also:


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