Music - Orchestration


Flute Non-Transposing

(picilo) play 1 octave higher than written

Oboe Non Transposing

more limited than clarinet

Clarinet Bb Write 1 tone above (Bb written as C)

Clarinet A Write minor 3rd above

Low warm register

Wide range

Bassoon Non transposing

Bass of Woodwind

Double reed


Horns F Written Perfect 5th above sound

Trumpet Bb Transposing

Trombone Tenor non-transposing


Timpani non-transposing

Pedal tuned

usually tuned to tonic and dominant

Side Drum not tuned

bass drum not tuned


1st Violin

2nd Violin

Viola Alto Clef (middle C in middle)

'cello Bass, Alto or Tenor Clef (middle C above middle line)

Double Bass Sounds Octave lower than written

effective playing pizzicatto


metadata block
see also:


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Book Shop - Further reading.

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them.

cover The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and Effects. This is a nice glossy colour book, it is for those starting out using 3D graphics programs rather than those who write them.

Commercial Software Shop

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for commercial software, not directly related to the software project, but related to the subject being discussed, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the software or to buy it from them.

cover Palm Treo 650 GSM/GPRS Smartphone

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