Music - Midi - Status and Data Bytes

Command bytes have the most significant bit set to one:

1 mmm xxxx

Data Bytes have the most significant bit set to zero:

0 xxxxxxx

Midi messages begin with a Command which may be followed by a number of data bytes depending on the message type.


Midi codes

1000 nnnn 0kkkkkkk 0vvvvvv Note off
1001 nnnn 0kkkkkkk 0vvvvvv Note on
1010 nnnn 0kkkkkkk 0pppppp polyphonic Key pressure
1101 nnnn 0ppppppp Channel pressure
1100 nnnn 0ppppppp Program change
1011 nnnn 0ccccccc 0vvvvvv Control change

0 = undefined

1 = modulation wheel or lever

2 = breath controller

3 = undefined

4 = foot controller

5 = portamento time

6 = data entry MSB

7 = main volume

8 = balance

9 = undefined

10 = pan

11 = expression controller

12 - 15 undefined

16 - 19 general-purpose controllers (numbered 1 to 4)

20 - 31 Undefined

32 - 63 LSB for values 0 to 31

64 Damper pedal (sustain)

65 Portamento

66 Sostenuto

67 Soft pedal

68 Undefined

69 Hold 2

70-79 undefined

80-83 general-purpose controllers (numbered 5 to 8)

84-91 undefined

92 tremolo debth

93 chorus debth

94 celeste (detune) debth

95 phaser debth

96 data inrement

97 data decrement

98 non-registered parameter number LSB

99 non-registered parameter number MSB

100 registered parameter number LSB

101 registered parameter number MSB

102-121 undefined

122 reserved for channel mode messages

1011 nnnn 01111010 0ccccccc Control change - Local control
1011 nnnn 01111011 00000000 Control change - all notes off
1011 nnnn 01111100 00000000 Control change - omni mode off
1011 nnnn 01111101 00000000 Control change - omni mode on
1011 nnnn 01111110 0000mmmm Control change - mono mode on
1011 nnnn 01111111 00000000 Control change - poly mode on
1110 nnnn 0bbbbbbb 0bbbbbb Pitch Bend

System Common messages

1111 0010 0ppppppp 0ppppppp Song position pointer
1111 0011 0sssssss Song select
1111 0110 Tune request
1111 0110 EOX end of executive

System real-time messages

1111 1000 Timing clock
1111 1010 Start
1111 1100 Stop
1111 1011 Continue
1111 1110 Active sensing
1111 1111 System reset

System Executive Messages

1111 0000 0iiiiiii 0xxxxxxx (0xxxxxxx ...) 11110111



1 sequential circuits

7 kurzweil

15 ensoniq

16 oberheim

64 Kawai

65 Roland

66 Korg

67 Yamaha

68 Casio

69 Akai

MIDI Detailed specification

International MIDI Association

5316 W. 57th St

Los Angeles

CA 90056

tel 213 649 6434


metadata block
see also:


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Book Shop - Further reading.

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them.

cover The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and Effects. This is a nice glossy colour book, it is for those starting out using 3D graphics programs rather than those who write them.

Commercial Software Shop

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for commercial software, not directly related to the software project, but related to the subject being discussed, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the software or to buy it from them.

cover Palm Treo 650 GSM/GPRS Smartphone

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