Technology - Shuttle PC - Install Infrared device on SUSE 10.0


When I first did this I had a lot of problems and went down a lot of dead ends, for the full story see this page, luckily Tarper helped me and so I have arranged it in a more logical order here.

Step 1 - Preparation

Dont plug in yet! It helps to do some preperation first.

I am assuming that you are using a graphical user interface such as KDE and that you are logged in as an ordinary (non-root) user.

1.1) Start YaST -> Software Management and make sure that both irda and yast2-irda packages are installed, if not, install them.


1.2) close yast.

1.3) Open a console window ctrl-alt-f1 and login as root.

If you already have an ethernet connection that uses DHCP it might help to switch if off while installing as follows:

1.4) cd /etc/init.d

1.5) dhcpcd stop

1.6) edit the ir configuration file: /etc/sysconfig/irda (requires root user login)

change IRDA_PORT="/dev/ttyS1"

to IRDA_PORT="irda0"

1.7) Before we can proceed with the YaST configuration we need to add a USB network device named usb-bus which provides configuration for irda(n). So on the command line type: insserv irda

linux:/etc/init.d # insserv irda

1.8) shutdown and re-boot the system for this to take effect.

1.9) in YaST -> System -> System services (Runlevel) enable irda

Step 2 - Plug in

2.1) Plug in the Belkin F5U235qea to the USB port on the Linux system and wait. Without doing anything else it should automatically detected the new hardware and bring up this dialog box:


2.2) Click on yes (you may be asked to enter your root password) this will then bring up the following YaST screen:


2.3) Click on 'add'


2.4) Set Device Type to USB

Change configuration Name to bus-usb

and select USB box.

I then clicked on next:


2.5) Select the static IP address and set it to

click on Next


2.6) Click on next again:


This then wrote the configuration and automatically shut down the dialog.

(if you have gkrellm running a irda0 window will automatically appear showing the polls going out)

2.7) Another way to check its working, on the console, you can type ifconfig:

linux:~ # ifconfig

2.8) if you stopped DHCP earlier you can start it again now.

linux:~ # dhcpcd start

Security access to port

By default only root users can access this port, we need to give other users security access as follows:

linux:~ # chmod 666 /dev/ircomm0

To avoid the need to do this every time you log in you can either:

add each user to group 'uucp' using YaST. 
(gives these users read and write permissions to every serial port)
Yast -> 
Security and users -> 
User management -> 
Select user -> 
Edit -> 
Details -> 
Groups -> 
Select 'uucp' 

yast security

alternativly edit file /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules, 
find line containing 'ircomm'. 
It looks like this: 
KERNEL=="ircomm*",NAME="%k", GROUP="uucp" 
Append ', MODE="666"' to the line: 
KERNEL=="ircomm*", NAME="%k", GROUP="uucp", MODE="666" 
After next boot your /dev/ircomm0's mode is 666. 

Thanks to orankelium for explaining how to do this.

Connecting to the Palm

This is explained here.

metadata block
see also:


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cover Build Your Own High-performance Gamers' Mod PC (Build Your Own S.).

Commercial Software Shop

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for commercial software, not directly related to the software project, but related to the subject being discussed, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the software or to buy it from them.

us uk de SuSE Linux 11.2. Operating system with a wide range of applications including Open Office. A good distribution for developers as it contains KDevelop. Java, Mono, etc. Can install itself as a dual-boot system with an existing Windows OS if required. For information about installing it see this page.


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