XES - Programmers Guide - nodePackageDec

for information about XES schema see these pages.


nodePackageDec is always the top level (root) node. This is the only place that it occurs in the hierarchy.

Attributes used

package name, this is a string which usually has a form like: "com.mjb.mypackage" and is the name of this package.

When the class is instanciated this is held in nodeBase.name which is a Vector containing, in the above case, symbols referencing 'com', 'mjb' and 'mypackage'.

Child Elements

The only child elements allowed are comments, importList and classDef. There will be only one importList element and this will be before the classDef.

Schema entry

Holds a constant string, integer, floating point or boolean value

	<xs:element name="package">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="classDef" type="classDefType"/>
<xs:element name="importList">
<xs:element name="import" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" form="unqualified"/>

Examples of usage

usage java example XES example
Package name (optional) package com.mjb.mypackage; <package name="com.mjb.mypackage">
single import definition import java.util.i1;
<import name="java.util.i1"/>
multiple import definition import java.util.i1;
import java.util.i2;
<import name="java.util.i1"/>
<import name="java.util.i2"/>
class definition public class nodeConstant {
<classDef name="nodeConstant" public="true">


If used this should be at the start of the files defining the package

package com.mjb.mypackage;



metadata block
see also:


Correspondence about this page

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