Eclipse Link Target Mapping - forum discussion

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how do I setup link target mapping?
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Subject: how do I setup link target mapping?
From: Martin
Newsgroups: eclipse.modeling.gmf
Organization: Eclipse
Date: Mar 05 2009 11:57:30
I am trying to work out how to setup link mapping so that I can draw a link on the diagram to setup a reference between two nodes. (i.e. drag the little square handle on the source to the destination) .

This works fine when I specifically define the reference to be exactly the destination class, but I want the reference definition to be the superclass of the destination, if I do this dragging the link no longer works.

In order to test this out I have defined 4 very simple classes using the annotated Interfaces below. I want to drag a link from a MSubNodeS instance to a MSubNodeD instance and for this to put a reference to the MSubNodeD into

This won't work as I have it defined below, but it will work if I change:

MSubNode getLink();


MSubNodeD getLink();

What I would like is if I drag a link from a MSubNodeS instance to a MSubNodeD instance then it will set link to be a MSubNodeD reference and if I drag a link from a MSubNodeS instance to another MSubNodeS instance then it will set link to be a MSubNodeS reference.

Base class: /** @model */
public interface MNode extends EObject {
/** @model */
String getName();
/** @model containment="true" */
EList<MSubNodeS> getSubNodeS();
/** @model containment="true" */
EList<MSubNodeD> getSubNodeD();

Super Class: /** @model */
public interface MSubNode extends EObject {
/** @model */
String getName();

Destination Class: /** @model */
public interface MSubNodeD extends MSubNode {

Source Class: /** @model */
public interface MSubNodeS extends MSubNode {
/** @model */
MSubNode getLink();

Can I do this? If so can you see what I am doing wrong? I have tried all combinations that I can think of in enabling and disabling elements when generating gmfgraph and gmftool but nothing seems to work as I want.

Its hard to explain this in words so I have put some screen shots of the configuration here:

Hello Martin,

It should be possible to generate functionality you are talking about using the way you described.. You can try debugging/tracing generated code to see the reason why link cannot be created. Places to debug/trace:
1. MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand
2. XXXViewprovider.createEdge() -----------------
Alex Shatalin
It should be possible to generate functionality you are talking about using

the way you

described.. You can try debugging/tracing generated code to see the reason

why link

cannot be created. Places to debug/trace:
1. MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand
2. XXXViewprovider.createEdge() -----------------
Alex Shatalin

Hello Alex,

Thank you very much for the reply, I could not find a createEdge() method but I monitored all the diagram.providers.MathModelViewProvider and MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand methods.

When I click on the MSubNodeS 'handle' the following sequence of methods are called:


as I drag the mouse between MSubNodeS and MSubNodeD nodes the following two methods are called repeatedly:

diagram.providers.MathModelViewProvider.getNodeViewClass(null,org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.impl.DiagramImpl@54be8c3e (visible: true, type: MathModel, mutable: false) (name: default3.mathmodel_diagram, measurementUnit: Pixel),Note)


but when the mouse is dragged over a MSubNodeD node then none of these methods gets called. While the mouse is being dragged over this potential destination the cursor remains a 'no entry' symbol so do you know what sets the cursor as it is being dragged over different items?

Note: I can set the link manually from the property view so the problem must be something specific to the diagram editor.

Thanks again for you help so far,

Hello Martin,

Thank you very much for the reply, I could not find a createEdge()
method but I monitored all the diagram.providers.MathModelViewProvider
and MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand methods.

Ok. Sorry - in past this method was called "getEdgeViewClass()".

but when the mouse is dragged over a MSubNodeD node then none of these
methods gets called. While the mouse is being dragged over this
potential destination the cursor remains a 'no entry' symbol so do you
know what sets the cursor as it is being dragged over different items?

The reason should be either in MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand.canExecute returning false or in MathModelViewProvider.getEdgeViewClass returning null..
Both these methods should be called once you enter MSubNodeD shape while dragging the link target and cursor will be "ok" or "no entry" depending on a reault of these methods execution..

Alex Shatalin
The reason should be either in MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand.canExecute
returning false or in MathModelViewProvider.getEdgeViewClass >returning null..
Both these methods should be called once you enter MSubNodeD shape
while dragging the link target and cursor will be "ok" or "no entry"
depending on a reault of these methods execution..



Thanks again for your reply, these two methods are only called when I initially click on the MSubNodeS handle.

That is I put the mouse over the handle and press the left button down, the following methods are called in quick succession (I have shown what they return):

MathModelViewProvider.getEdgeViewClass return=null
MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand.canExecute true
MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand.canExecute true
MathModelViewProvider.getEdgeViewClass(visual_ID=3001) return=class mathModel.diagram.view.factories.MSubNodeSLinkViewFactory
MathModelViewProvider.getEdgeViewClass class mathModel.diagram.view.factories.MSubNodeSLinkViewFactory
MathModelViewProvider.getEdgeViewClass(visual_ID=3001) return=class mathModel.diagram.view.factories.MSubNodeSLinkViewFactory

I then drag the mouse to the destination and then over the destination, during this time none of these methods gets called, why would they not get called?

Hello Martin,

Ok. do you have MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCreateRelationshipCommand() method generated? Can you post it here?
BTW, wich exact version of GMf do you use? (this place was changed recently..)

Alex Shatalin

Ok. do you have MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCreateRelationshipCommand()
method generated? Can you post it here?

* @generated
protected Command getCreateRelationshipCommand(CreateRelationshipRequest req) {
Command command = req.getTarget() == null ? getStartCreateRelationshipCommand(req)
: getCompleteCreateRelationshipCommand(req);
return command != null ? command : super

BTW, wich exact version of GMf do you use?
(this place was changed recently..)

I have recently downloaded and installed Eclipse SP2 with all the plugins and that is what I used for these tests, although I have seen this problem before on SP1, I am currently running on:

*** System properties:
eclipse.commands=-os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64 -showsplash -launcher
org.eclipse.gmf (1.0.0.v20080425-1959) "Graphical Modeling Framework" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.bridge (1.1.0.v20090212-1755) "GMF Models Bridging Plug-in" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.bridge.ui (1.1.100.v20080417-1610) "GMF Tooling UI" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.bridge.ui.dashboard (2.0.0.v20080417-1610) "GMF Dashboard" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.codegen (2.1.1.v20090212-1755) "GMF GenModel and Code Generation" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.edit (2.1.0.v20080718-1700) "GMF GenModel Edit Support" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.codegen.ui (1.1.0.v20080512-1200) "GMF Code Generation UI" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.common (1.1.1.v20080610-1132) "GMF Tooling Commons Plug-in" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.doc (1.2.2.v20080916-2008) "Graphical Modeling Framework Documentation" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.doc.ui (1.1.0.v20070601-1400) "GMF Documentation Cheatsheets" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.ecore.editor (2.0.100.v20080610-1132) "ECore Sample Diagram Plugin" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.examples (1.0.100.v20080425-1959) "Graphical Modeling Framework Examples" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.examples.ui.pde (1.0.200.v20080425-1959) "GMF Examples Plug-in" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.graphdef (2.0.100.v20080528-1052) "GMF Graphical Definition" [Resolved]
org.eclipse.gmf.graphdef.codegen (2.0.100.v20080528-1052) "Graphical Definition Code Generator" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.graphdef.codegen.ui (1.0.100.v20080425-1959) "Graphical Definition Code Generator UI Support" [Resolved]
org.eclipse.gmf.graphdef.edit (2.0.100.v20080610-1132) "GMFGraph Edit Support" [Starting] (2.1.0.v20080521) "GMF Mapping Model" [Starting] (2.1.0.v20080716-1600) "GMF Mapping Edit Support" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Common Core" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.ui (1.1.3.v20081023-2107) "GMF Common UI" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.ui.action (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Common UI Action" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.ui.action.ide (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Common UI Action IDE" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.ui.printing (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Printing" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.ui.printing.win32 (1.1.0.v20080612-1355) "GMF Printing for Win32" [Resolved] (1.1.1.v20080718-1700) "GMF Common UI Services" [Starting] (1.1.0.v20080507-2230) "GMF Common UI Action Services" [Starting] (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Common UI DND Services" [Starting] (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Common UI DND IDE Services" [Starting] (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Common UI Properties Service Framework" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.core (1.1.3.v20081015-1755) "GMF Diagram Core" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui (1.1.3.v20090114-1755) "GMF Diagram UI" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.actions (1.1.2.v20080916-2008) "GMF Diagram Actions" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.dnd (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Diagram Browse" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.geoshapes (1.1.2.v20080911-1506) "GMF Geometric Shapes" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.printing (1.1.2.v20080911-1506) "GMF Diagram Printing" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.printing.render (1.1.2.v20080916-2008) "GMF Diagram UI Printing Render Plug-In" [Starting] (1.1.3.v20090122-1525) "GMF Diagram UI Properties" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers (1.1.2.v20080916-2008) "GMF Diagram Providers" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers.ide (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Diagram Providers IDE" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.render (1.1.3.v20090122-1525) "GMF Diagram UI Render Plug-In" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.resources.editor (1.1.1.v20080716-1600) "GMF Diagram UI Resources Editor Plug-In" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.resources.editor.ide (1.1.3.v20090122-1525) "GMF IDE Editor" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui (1.1.3.v20090114-1755) "GMF Draw2d Additions" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.render (1.1.3.v20090122-1525) "GMF Draw2d Image Rendering Additions" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.render.awt (1.1.2.v20090122-1525) "GMF Draw2d Image AWT based Rendering Additions" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.clipboard.core (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF EMF Clipboard Support" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.commands.core (1.1.1.v20080716-1600) "GMF Commands" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.core (1.1.1.v20080716-1600) "GMF Modeling Service Layer" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core (1.1.1.v20080807-1325) "GMF EMF Type Core" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.ui (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF EMF Type UI" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.ui (1.1.0.v20080516-1748) "GMF MSL UI" [Starting] (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF EMF UI Properties Providers" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef.ui (1.1.1.v20080813-1510) "GMF GEF Additions" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation (1.1.1.v20080716-1600) "GMF Notation Model Support" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.edit (1.1.0.v20080507-1326) "GMF Notation Edit Support" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.providers (1.1.0.v20080425-1959) "GMF Notation Metamodel" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.sdk (1.0.0.v20080425-1959) "Graphical Modeling Framework SDK" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.tooldef (2.0.0.v20080417-1610) "GMF Tooling Model" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.tooldef.edit (2.0.0.v20080610-1132) "GMF Tooling Edit Support" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.tooling (2.1.0.v20080425-1959) "Graphical Modeling Framework Tooling" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.validate (1.1.0.v20080603-1553) "GMF Validation" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.xpand (1.1.0.v20080716-1600) "GMF Xpand Template Engine" [Starting]
org.eclipse.gmf.xpand.editor (1.0.0.v20080812-2100) "GMF Xpand Editor Plug-in" [Starting]
Hello Martin,

Command command = req.getTarget() == null ? getStartCreateRelationshipCommand(req)

: getCompleteCreateRelationshipCommand(req);
Can you check these thwo methods? getStartCreateRelationshipCommand(req) / getCompleteCreateRelationshipCommand(req) of MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy? They should be called n entering this Node with link creation tool.

Can you post these methods here?

Alex Shatalin
Can you check these thwo methods? getStartCreateRelationshipCommand(req)
/ getCompleteCreateRelationshipCommand(req) of
MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy? They should be
called n entering this Node with link creation tool.
Can you post these methods here?


Methods from generated MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy as requested, it seems like getStartCreateRelationshipCommand always returns null.


* @generated
protected Command getCreateRelationshipCommand(CreateRelationshipRequest req) {
Command command = req.getTarget() == null ? getStartCreateRelationshipCommand(req)
: getCompleteCreateRelationshipCommand(req);
return command != null ? command : super

* @generated
protected Command getStartCreateRelationshipCommand(
CreateRelationshipRequest req) {
if (mathModel.diagram.providers.MathModelElementTypes.MSubNodeSLink_3001 == req
.getElementType()) {
return null;
return null;

* @generated
protected Command getCompleteCreateRelationshipCommand(
CreateRelationshipRequest req) {
if (mathModel.diagram.providers.MathModelElementTypes.MSubNodeSLink_3001 == req
.getElementType()) {
return getGEFWrapper(new mathModel.diagram.edit.commands.MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand(
req, req.getSource(), req.getTarget()));
return null;
Hello Martin,

Methods from generated MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy as requested,
it seems like getStartCreateRelationshipCommand always returns null.

This is ok - this method will be called for source link element (MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy is a target of the link).

* @generated
protected Command getCompleteCreateRelationshipCommand(
CreateRelationshipRequest req) {
== req
.getElementType()) {
return getGEFWrapper(new
req, req.getSource(), req.getTarget()));
return null;

So, can you please debug this method to see the reason why is it not working? If everything goes right then wrapped instance of MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand should be returned from this method and this command will be responsible for the cursor shape.. If not then the question is why mathModel.diagram.providers.MathModelElementTypes.MSubNodeSLink_3001 != req.getElementType()..

Alex Shatalin
So, can you please debug this method to see the reason why is it
not working? If everything goes right then wrapped instance of
MSubNodeSLinkCreateCommand should be returned from this method
and this command will be responsible for the cursor shape..
If not then the question is why mathModel.diagram.providers.
MathModelElementTypes.MSubNodeSLink_3001 != req.getElementType()..



These methods are not called at all during the lifetime of this program. I have tried everything I can think of including all combinations of dragging outgoing and incoming handles from MSubNodeS to MSubNodeD and visa versa, nothing calls these methods.

The only method that is called is:
when I deselect MSubNodeD.

I tried the equivalent methods in MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy and the following is called when I first click on MSubNodeS handles:


but nothing seems to happen when I attempt to release over MSubNodeD.

Hello Martin,

then you can override public Command getCommand(Request request) method in MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy, just calling super implementation from there and place a breakpoint into this method - this method should be called then you enter MSubNodeD EditPart with the link creation tool...

Alex Shatalin
then you can override public Command getCommand(Request request)
method in MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy, just calling super
implementation from there and place a breakpoint into this method
- this method should be called then you enter MSubNodeD EditPart
with the link creation tool...


I added this method to MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy:

/** override */
public Command getCommand(Request request) {
Command cmd=super.getCommand(request);
System.out.println("MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand("+request+") return="+cmd);
return cmd;

When the handle from MSubNodeS is dragged into MSubNodeD this method gets called on every move of the mouse inside MSubNodeD always returning null:

MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest@145a25f3) return=null
MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest@145a25f3) return=null

This request 'CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest' is id=107

What seems to happen when I debug is that super gets called ie:
mathModel.diagram.edit.policies.MathModelBaseItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(Request request)

the test (request instanceof ReconnectRequest) fails and so we call super again this time on:
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editpolicies.SemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(Request request)

the tests in this method are all false and we call super again on:
org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies.AbstractEditPolicy.getCommand(Request request)

which returns null.

Hello Martin,

I added this method to MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy:

Well, can you add same method to MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy, drag a link from MSubNodeS to MSubNodeS (with this link everything was ok, right?) and debug generated code to see the difference between these two situations.

If everything goes right then getCreateRelationshipCommand() method should be called in this case..

Alex Shatalin
Well, can you add same method to MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy,
drag a link from MSubNodeS to MSubNodeS (with this link everything
was ok, right?)


No, In the version of the program that does not work, it does not work when I drag to MSubNodeD or to itself.

In both cases it receives an CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest which does not match anything and returns null.

In an attempt to compare this with what it should do I then tried creating a new program, using the same data model, but when creating .gmfgraph and gmftool I selected MSubNode instead of MSubNodeD in the hope that it would recognise this as the destination of the link. However this did not seem to make much difference to the code generated, and dragging the link did not work ether.

At least I have the working version of the program that I can compare against (which has MSubNodeD getLink(); in the data model).

The difference between the working and non-working versions of the program are not the execution of the getCommand method but what gets passed to it.

The program that does not work gets a CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest which does not match anything and returns null.

The program that does work gets a CreateConnectionViewAndElementRequest which returns a null followed by another call to getCommand containing aEditCommandRequestWrapper which does return a value.

So I need to start debugging at an earlier stage where the program decides what messages to send to the getCommand method. I don't know enough about the structure to know where this might be, can you help?


PS. In case its any help here are the sequences of calls to the getCommand method for both the non-working and working programs.
The program which does not work gives the following sequence:

when I first select MSubNodeS (i.e. before dragging) I get the following sequence:

MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.EditCommandRequestWrapper@3c32fb80) return=org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command$1$ChainedCompoundCommand@734bcb5c
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gef.requests.GroupRequest@37debcf3) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gef.requests.GroupRequest@39fa487f) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.EditCommandRequestWrapper@5eada795) return=org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command$1$ChainedCompoundCommand@5ad557c2
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gef.requests.GroupRequest@161e14f0) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.EditCommandRequestWrapper@10f0a3e8) return=org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command$1$ChainedCompoundCommand@2698dd08
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@26e7127) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@34baf4ae) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@1f18317f) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gef.Request@360b0c5a) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@78d5c653) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@397577f9) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@16793542) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@464cdac8) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@45a8a7e) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@4283874e) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@6e6dcfde) return=null

when I first click on MSubNodeS handle I get the following sequence:

MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest@1b7adb4a) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.EditCommandRequestWrapper@1ed2e55e) return=org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.ICommandProxy@27d08e21
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest@1b7adb4a) return=null

when I drag inside MSubNodeD I get:

MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest@9d8643e) return=null

when I drag inside MSubNodeS I get:

MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest@9d8643e) return=null

The program which does work gives the following sequence:

when I first select MSubNodeS (i.e. before dragging) I get the following sequence:

MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.EditCommandRequestWrapper@ba679e) return=org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command$1$ChainedCompoundCommand@33d626a4
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gef.requests.GroupRequest@381172c5) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gef.requests.GroupRequest@47bb2cb) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.EditCommandRequestWrapper@55172fb9) return=org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command$1$ChainedCompoundCommand@653e4653
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gef.requests.GroupRequest@5ade5cd9) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.EditCommandRequestWrapper@3ca1d92a) return=org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command$1$ChainedCompoundCommand@25b8737f
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@5b224686) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@1005354a) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@7838c8c5) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gef.Request@3f6ff2d9) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@2f26f304) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@224577f9) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@5f3c6654) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@2dca4eb4) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@1c6cc9c) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@125c99f) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@1f517997) return=null

when I first click on MSubNodeS handle I get the following sequence:

MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@19e142a5) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@6f7e982f) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.ChangePropertyValueRequest@5a9c5842) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest@3be67280) return=null
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.EditCommandRequestWrapper@314955ec) return=org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.ICommandProxy@45a8123b
MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest@3be67280) return=null

when I drag inside MSubNodeD I get:

MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateConnectionViewAndElementRequest@5c538b31) return=null
MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy.getCommand(org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.EditCommandRequestWrapper@654481bb) return=org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.ICommandProxy@74a14fed
Well, can you add same method to MSubNodeSItemSemanticEditPolicy, drag a link
from MSubNodeS to MSubNodeS (with this link everything was ok, right?) and
debug generated code to see the difference between these two situations.


I think I may have found something that may give a clue to this problem. I found a difference between the version that works and the version that does not work in these methods:


The version that works adds a node to the list but the version that does not work returns an empty list.

I tries editing the version that did not work to see if I could get it to work, but this change on its own does not seem to be enough to get it working, there seem to be other changes between the versions for instance:

MSubNodeS_1001 is changed to MSubNodeS_1002
MSubNodeD_1002 is changed to MSubNodeD_1001

Do you know what factors will affect how these methods are generated?


The version that does not work is:

public List getTypesForTarget(IAdaptable source,
IElementType relationshipType) {
IGraphicalEditPart sourceEditPart = (IGraphicalEditPart) source
if (sourceEditPart instanceof {
List types = new ArrayList();
return types;
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

The version that works is:

public List getTypesForTarget(IAdaptable source,
IElementType relationshipType) {
IGraphicalEditPart sourceEditPart = (IGraphicalEditPart) source
if (sourceEditPart instanceof {
List types = new ArrayList();
if (relationshipType == mathModel.diagram.providers.MathModelElementTypes.MSubNodeSLink_3001) {
return types;
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
then you can override public Command getCommand(Request request)
method in MSubNodeDItemSemanticEditPolicy, just calling super
implementation from there and place a breakpoint into this method
- this method should be called then you enter MSubNodeD EditPart
with the link creation tool...


In addition to my previous reply to this, I have tried a different method of investigating the problem, I don't know if this helps? but I have found some stange things.

Since I have two versions of the program, one that works and one that does not work, I thought I would compare the files generated by these different versions and see where they diverge. The source of the difference is one letter:

In the version which does not work, in MSubNodeS interface I have defined:
MSubNode getLink();

The version which works has:
MSubNodeD getLink();

As expected the only difference in the .ecore file is the link:

from es3 mathModel.ecore (not working):

<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MSubNodeS" eSuperTypes="#//MSubNode">
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="link" eType="#//MSubNode"/>

from es5 mathModel.ecore (working):

<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="MSubNodeS" eSuperTypes="#//MSubNode">
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="link" eType="#//MSubNodeD"/>

There were no differences with gmfgraph or gmftool.

For some reason gmfmap seems to have created the <nodes> entries are in reverse order, es3 has href="mathModel.ecore#//MNode/subNodeD first but es5 has href="mathModel.ecore#//MNode/subNodeS first, given that the inputs are so similar this seems stange? Otherwise I can't see any differences, even the link entry seems identical (MSubNodeSLink stays the same):


There are a lot of differences in gmfgen and so it is hard to track them all, these seem to be:
* different package names (es3 and es5) which is just a side effect I can't avoid.
* various types are swapped between MSubNodeSxxx and MSubNodeDxxx

As far as I know I have answered in the wizards which created these files in the same way (although its hard to be absolutely sure) in most cases I have just used the defaults (in both cases I disabled the link entry in gmftool).

So the versions seem to diverge with gmfmap. What controls the order that <nodes> entries are created? Does this have any significance for the program created?

Hopfully others could reproduce the program, I have made the program as simple as possible to demonstrate the problem and I have put a zip file with the annotated java interfaces on this web page:

Hello Martin,

For some reason gmfmap seems to have created the <nodes> entries are
in reverse order, es3 has href="mathModel.ecore#//MNode/subNodeD first
but es5 has href="mathModel.ecore#//MNode/subNodeS first, given that
the inputs are so similar this seems stange? Otherwise I can't see any

Well, you are supposed to create .gmfmap file manually so it's up to you to reorder node mappings in this file..

So the versions seem to diverge with gmfmap. What controls the order
that <nodes> entries are created? Does this have any significance for
the program created?

The sequence of elements in .gmfmap file does not play any role in code generation.. It's strange you have to differently-ordered .gmfmap files (AFAIU these files was created by GMF wizard, so this can be a wizard side-effect), but you can still generate code to see what was changed in it..

Alex Shatalin
The sequence of elements in .gmfmap file does not play
any role in code generation.. It's strange you have to
differently-ordered .gmfmap files (AFAIU these files was
created by GMF wizard, so this can be a wizard side-effect),
but you can still generate code to see what was changed in it..


What seems to happen is that the program that works seems to cause the nodes in the palette to be incorrectly named, that is MSubNodeS is called MSubNodeD and MSubNodeD is called MSubNodeS. If I edit the .gmfmap with the text editor and swap round the <node> entries this is corrected (and it also makes .gmfmap identical for the working and non-working versions of the program).


Hello Martin,

I suggest you to check org.eclipse.gmf.ecore.editor plugin. This plugin contains description of EAnnotationReference link and it looks like this link is similar to the one you have - target feature type is EObject (supertype of all the diagram elements). At least you can get an idea how the properly generated code should be working + compare mapping model structure with the model you have.

I've tried to debug EAnnotationReference link creation process and found that CreateUnspecifiedTypeConnectionRequest will be transformed to CreateConnectionViewAndElementRequest inside GraphicalNodeEditPolicy.getConnectionMenuContent() method associated with link target EditPart..

Alex Shatalin

metadata block
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