Java elements used in progam

Jbuilder Books

cover This book may be useful if you are using JBuilder. Learn Java with Jbuilder 6 - Introduces Java language and Swing from a practical, step by step, rather than theoretical point of view. JBuilder 8 has now been introduced so there may be a few difference if you are using the latest version of JBuilder.

cover Borland JBuilder Developer's Guide

cover Charlie Calvert's Learn JBuilder 7

Beginning Java


cover Beginning Java 2 SDK 1.4 Edition - A good book for learning java


cover Java - How To Program. This is a very comprehensive book, starting at the beginning and going through to advanced java capabilities. It covers Java 6.0, software is included on CD and the book is in colour.


cover Graphics Programming with Java 2nd edition. Mostly 2D, only covers 3D in chapter 20 right at the end. Some introduction to Java programming and lots of information about Java2D so could be good if you are starting out with graphics programming.

cover Java Graphics Programming Library - Library of Java code for shapes and concepts, mostly 2D but covers polygons & 3D polar coordinates. Not sure how useful this is if you are using Java2D and Java3D.

cover Java 2 Game Programming - Contains 2D game development engine

Using XML with Java

topic covered here

cover Java & XML, 2nd Edition: Solutions to Real-World Problems

cover Processing XML with Java: A Guide to SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP, and TrAX

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Java books

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