Programming DOM
Interface |
nodeName |
nodeValue |
attributes |
Attr |
name of attribute |
value of attribute |
null |
CDATASection |
"#cdata-section" |
content of the CDATA Section |
null |
Comment |
"#comment" |
content of the comment |
null |
Document |
"#document" |
null |
null |
DocumentFragment |
"#document-fragment" |
null |
null |
DocumentType |
document type name |
null |
null |
Element |
tag name |
null |
NamedNodeMap |
Entity |
entity name |
null |
null |
EntityReference |
name of entity referenced |
null |
null |
Notation |
notation name |
null |
null |
ProcessingInstruction |
target |
entire content excluding the target |
null |
Text |
"#text" |
content of the text node |
null |
metadata block |
see also: |
Correspondence about this page |
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Copyright (c) 1998-2023 Martin John Baker - All rights reserved - privacy policy.