Editing Source Code with Eclipse

Setting up project

We start by creating a new project under New->Project


This takes us through a set of wizard pages, first we want to setup as a wizard:


On the next screen enter the project name, then set the JDK compliance, I did this by clicking on 'Configure default':


Clicking on 'Configure default' gives the following screen, I set the compliance level to 5.0


Clicking on 'Installed JREs' gives the following screen, but I did not need to change anything on this page:


Clicking on OK takes us back to the wizard:


Clicking on next gives up a page which allows us to set 'Source', 'Projects', 'Libraries' and 'Order and Export' parameters. For now I have left these at the default and set them later when the files are loaded.


Click on 'Finish' then close the 'welcome' project, we can then see the project just setup:


I then copied the mjbWorld files into the workspace as shown here:

The mjbWorld files are availible from sourceforge here.


I then right-clicked on 'mjbworld' in Package Explorer and clicked on refresh:


The program files are then shown in the Package Explorer window but when using the 64bit version of Eclipse my system usually crashes with the following error (full report),


I have therefore used the 32 bit version of eclipse for the following. I also found that the Eclipse 3.1 seems more stable when run under java 1.4 so I start Eclipse using the following command line:

/usr/share/eclipse/eclipse -vm /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-sun-

This seems reasonably relible.

We now need to tell eclipse about the JOGL library. In the menu under the Project -> Properties we can select 'Java Build Path' in the tree window and select the 'Libraries' tab. We can then click on 'Add JARs':


select jogl.jar


Click on 'Native library location'


click on workspace


click on the location where jogl.dll is located, in this case resources.


We can also set the Default output folder so that the main directory does not get cluttered.


If prompted we can click on 'yes' to move the existing outut:


Running the mjbWorld application

We can click on the down arrow to the right of the green arrow. Then select Run As->Java Application


In this case select 'mjbWorld' and then click on 'OK'. The program should then start.




metadata block
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