Here are some pictures of the EPSS equipment. EPSS was an early packet switching network which operated in the UK from 1977 to about 1980. For more information about EPSS see the article that I have put on this page.
0102- 30/3/1978
04 - Wally Freeman
05- Ferranti Manchester (plant 2 building) 30/3/1978
06 - 30/3/1978
0708 - 30/3/1978
09 - 30/3/1978
10 - 30/3/1978
11- 30/3/1978
12- 30/3/1978
13- 30/3/1978
14- 30/3/1978
15- 30/3/1978 16- 30/3/1978
17- 30/3/1978 18- 30/3/1978
19- 30/3/1978 20
21- 30/3/1978 22
25- 30/3/1978 26 - 30/3/1978 Post Office Packet Interface Tester
27- 30/3/1978 28
29 - Post Office Packet Interface Tester 30- 30/3/1978
31- 30/3/1978 32- 30/3/1978
33- 30/3/1978 34- 30/3/1978
35- 30/3/1978 36- 30/3/1978
3738- 30/3/1978
3940 - 10/10/1975
41- 30/3/1978 42- 30/3/1978
43- 30/3/1978 44- 30/3/1978
45 - Mark 250 (Pye version of 2bc)(Plessey Poole) 46- 30/3/1978
47 - 10/10/1975 48
49- 30/3/1978 50- 30/3/1978
5152- 30/3/1978
53- 10/10/1975 54- Rennes (by courtesy of SESA)
55 - 10/10/1975
Network Structure
Other Pages about early Packet Switching History in the UK
For more information about EPSS see the article that I have put on this page.
Articles about other early networks:
Other Packet switching related pages: