Maths - Examples of Cubical Types

Higher inductive types in cubical type theory.

from 'On Higher Inductive Types' Coquand, Huber & Mörtberg 3.3

Circle and Spheres (Z)

right adjointS1

The circle has two constructors:

r:power set
loop r :S1
x :S1right adjointP(x)   b:P(base)   l :Pathi P(loop i)b b   u:S1
S1 -elimx.p b l u : P(u)


Pathi is a dependant path type

From CubicalTT
data S1 = base
        | loop  [ (i=0) -> base
                   , (i=1) -> base]


From CubicalTT
data Torus = ptT
           | pathOneT  [ (i=0) -> ptT, (i=1) -> ptT ]
           | pathTwoT  [ (i=0) -> ptT, (i=1) -> ptT ]
           | squareT  [ (i=0) -> pathOneT {Torus} @ j
                           , (i=1) -> pathOneT {Torus} @ j
                           , (j=0) -> pathTwoT {Torus} @ i
                           , (j=1) -> pathTwoT {Torus} @ i ]

-- Torus = S1 * S1 proof

--                  pathTwoT x
--              ________________
--              |              |
--   pathOneT y | squareT x y  | pathOneT y
--              |              |
--              |              |
--              ________________
--                  pathTwoT x

-- pathOneT is (loop,refl)
-- pathTwoT is (refl,loop)


n-sphere (Suspensions)

From CubicalTT
-- Suspension. Definition of the circle as the suspension of bool and
-- a proof that this is equal to the standard HIT representation of
-- the circle.

data susp (A : U) = north
                  | south
                  | merid (a : A)  [ (i=0) -> north
                                      , (i=1) -> south ]

-- n-spheres
sphere : nat -> U = split
  zero  -> bool
  suc n -> susp (sphere n)


Propositional Truncation

From CubicalTT
data pTrunc (A : U)
  = inc (a : A)
  | inh (x y : pTrunc A)  [(i=0) -> x, (i=1) -> y]




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Book Shop - Further reading.

Where I can, I have put links to Amazon for books that are relevant to the subject, click on the appropriate country flag to get more details of the book or to buy it from them.

flag flag flag flag flag flag Computation and Reasoning - This book is about type theory. Although it is very technical it is aimed at computer scientists, so it has more discussion than a book aimed at pure mathematicians. It is especially useful for the coverage of dependant types.


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